Subamps with more than massage+?
Maybe this will need to come as a pm but anyone know any Subamps with L3 on the table? Particularly near the Frisco area? I just think the idea is kind of hot that it can be on the table at a subamp vs knowing it is a sure thing at the AMP. And I can decide how far I want to take the session. Figured I would ask.
Lol just depends on your game or how much $ you want to spend.
There are SubAMPs that will provide all levels of personally-designed treatment regimens....just probably not in Frisco.
But, Frisco is juuuust North of Plano. Soooo...
A bit research on Plano spas and you'll be happily on your way.
As for game or $, $ is your game in any SubAMP.
The distance from the hand to the mouth and then to the pussy is made shorter with $$. The sell themselves for this reason.
Not worth it. Just make the drive to Dallas
Search "Mapleshade" and "Relax" in Plano; those two are your best bet.
Arlington hy massage full sex on pioneer 60.00. The place begind it hj. Happy feet matlock hj, china day spa parks mall 2 ladies hj, the place behind spring creek full sex ez massage hj. Ez becareful i think LE is watching them. Evertime I go there i see 2 men sitting in a car a couple down. I heard she had been complained about by salons by jc I guess the customers said she was offering sex acts.
+1 on Relax. BTC Tiffany is the reason. IMO.
How about a good Thai massage with L2 besides Jessica & Nina?
If looking for a sexy, slender hot Asian working from apartment, you might give LilyQ a try. I consider her to be one of the cutest of independents.