Reviewers and the truth

Crystal West's Avatar
Hello everyone,
The only feature I dislike about ECCIE is providers can not see their full reviews here. Good or bad a review needs to be the truth. I had a review that was written a month after the appointment come to my attention and the things said are why I'm writing this thread. I'm not sure why it took a month to write the review and I am thankful that a couple of gentlemen wanted to voice their concerns before seeing me about the information in the review.

This is the review. Yes I did in fact see this member however things are not how he's told them. I do have the pm exchanges and the text exchanges with this member. I have shared the text with this member to refresh his memory as well as sent them to a mod and the pm exchanges are available for the mods if requested.

This member had contacted me in the past for an appointment and I was not available. He contacted me again prior to my arrival and when I got settled in I let him know. We where exchanging pms to set up a time for that night when I received no response on a time for that night after an hour of waiting I took a shower and went about getting some sleep. It was well over an hour later I get a pm he "spaced off" as well as a text message. I was clear I'd not heard from him and it would take me 45 minutes to get ready. I was out of the shower and ready for bed. The appointment was set up for his convenience at 7am the next morning. I let him know at 645AM where I was he said he would be there in 15-20 min. He arrived at 711AM and there was NO 20 min wait time NO shower excuse given to him.

I have never made someone wait for an appointment past the time it was set for nor have I not been showered and fresh. Heck I'll be the first to admit I've answered the door in a towel.
I have seen gentlemen early and I have been understanding of last minute cancelations. I am understanding of schedules and do my best to fit time restraints.

As for the rest of his review I'm going to let other reviews here and on several other sites speak for me when it comes to looks, the way I conduct myself and my hygiene during an appointment.

Thank you for taking the time to read my side of these events and as I said I have sent the text exchange to this member and the mods of course an hour will need to be added to the times as they are stamped in MT time.

On a side note there is no reason to lie in a review good or bad. I have had reviewers lie in reviews about the services provided to them as well and it has also caused issues in the past with gentlemen who read the reviews and expect it.
7thSon's Avatar
I have seen Crystal several times. She has always been prompt, clean and fun. I recomm.end her with out hesitation
Another thing about reviewers and the TRUTH!

Or maybe more of a suggestion for a few of the reviewers who complain about YMMV.
If your hygiene wasn't YMMV, then I wouldn't be either!
satan666's Avatar
Another thing about reviewers and the TRUTH!

Or maybe more of a suggestion for a few of the reviewers who complain about YMMV.
If your hygiene wasn't YMMV, then I wouldn't be either! Originally Posted by angel696949
I would have to agree with you if someone shows up to an appointment with you and are not shower fresh they have no reason to complain. but of course a guy is never going to say that in their review.

only thing I could say to you in said situation. either offer them back all or part of the donation back and terminate the appointment. or request that they take a shower at your incall either on or off the clock your choice. but once you've experienced it with said individual its hard to carry on after the fact.

personally I don't understand why a guy would show up unclean. but then again if they do it reflects as to their personal hygiene habits gross!
Definitely going to agree with you, Satan (lol, not the first time I've said that, just not here!).

I don't get it, either. If circumstances don't let me be practically pristine, I ask if I can take a shower (on my time). Hey, I was Army so shit,shower,shave is 5 minutes. I leave out the last S now because I sport the beard...)

Jeez, had one appt one time in the summer that I took a shower at home and drove to the incall and decided I needed another 20 minutes later. Frickin humidity.

And to agree with both, I've never had a bad experience (fingers crossed), even when people say YMMV.
I asked him to clean himself. He refused. I will keep in mind to refund the donation. It was truly a horrible experience. And then to get a bad review?!
Needless to say, he is on my block list now.

I truly have expanded the menu. But you must have hood hygiene!

And I saw that he said he had showered an hour before. BS he came straight from work, still in a suit.
Crystal West's Avatar
I've moved on from this ...

Reviews are a he said so it must be true. I've had it made very clear to me reviews here will not be removed for ANY REASON. Shockingly enough during my vacation from ECCIE there was a review in AK of me by a person I did not see and it has been reported as well.
Oh before you jump to conclusions it is not a NO review.

Again reviews good or bad should be the truth. This is not high school well at least I don't think it is.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Everyone here knows all the reviews on here are fake. I have never seen Evie Doll or Queen Aspen. I also plan to not see Angel and Tosh in the near future. After I not see them, I will write reviews which will detail the time we did not have together.
pyramider's Avatar

Again reviews good or bad should be the truth. This is not high school well at least I don't think it is..... Originally Posted by Crystal West
If the reviews were factual how would the masses rub one out reading them?
I think it would be good for providers to have their own section for clients to reviews.if there is going to be a she said he said, then it should go both ways. Add to the fact that this would help to protect the ladies from potential threatening clients, offensive (in all terms) clients, a quicker easier method for references within ECCIE community, and to assure that the client is not going to possibly request services that the provider would not offer. In this we may be able to prevent false reviews coming from angry clients because the provider would not offer a service.

Protect our ladies, and I think we should push for this to be on their side of things.
Hobgoblin's Avatar
I think it would be good for providers to have their own section for clients to reviews.if there is going to be a she said he said, then it should go both ways. Add to the fact that this would help to protect the ladies from potential threatening clients, offensive (in all terms) clients, a quicker easier method for references within ECCIE community, and to assure that the client is not going to possibly request services that the provider would not offer. In this we may be able to prevent false reviews coming from angry clients because the provider would not offer a service.

Protect our ladies, and I think we should push for this to be on their side of things. Originally Posted by khazard

Couple things 1. Drawing connections with clients threatens anonimty. Not sure of you remember the whole ashly Madison affair. Those dudes were supposedly safe to, look what happened.

2. It subjects the buyer to scrutiny for his flaws. He may not want them publically known. I know I wouldn't

3. This isn't really a dating site. This is buyer and seller arrangement

4. Subjects the buyer to blackmail, is gimme 500 bucks or I tell everyone about your baby dick/acne/whatever,or that you beat me so no girls will see you

5 girl already can demand referrals

6. Why would anyone spend 200-300 to subject themselves to that

7. What pops up online is what I want to put out there. I shudder to think if a divorce attorney got a hold on what amounts to intelligence about a guy.
Unfortunately sophomoric behavior is inevitable in this hobby - it sucks because johns need that information to make the best decisions about hobbying safe. And the providers need that information out there to cultivate interest. And sadly, one bad review can knock a name off a few short lists. So when you hear of possible misinformation / spite / slandering / (he said she said never reveals pure knowledge) it is tough for everyone.

It's too bad really - it is such a great thing that we get to do here - and there inevitably are going to be a few bad apples.

Upside is time. A period of good reviews ensuing instances like this will certainly shed light on the validity review claims. And the truth usually comes out.
I think it would be good for providers to have their own section for clients to reviews.if there is going to be a she said he said, then it should go both ways. Add to the fact that this would help to protect the ladies from potential threatening clients, offensive (in all terms) clients, a quicker easier method for references within ECCIE community, and to assure that the client is not going to possibly request services that the provider would not offer. In this we may be able to prevent false reviews coming from angry clients because the provider would not offer a service.

Protect our ladies, and I think we should push for this to be on their side of things. Originally Posted by khazard
Providers have outlets to share information among themselves and to debate whether reviews are truthful or not.

They have private rooms to share information about clients that may include warnings or items of concern regarding a hobbyist.

The ladies are always welcome to refute information in reviews by starting a thread in the Coed Discussion forums as Ms West has done here.

If you think posts you make and reviews you submit aren't discussed privately among the ladies in back channels, you might be sitting in the dark.
Crystal West's Avatar
If the reviews were factual how would the masses rub one out reading them? Originally Posted by pyramider
The masses shouldn't have to "rub one out" if they are actively seeing ladies. You want to "rub one out" visit pornhub so you get a visual.