my response to my no review

I am here to address my no review. He was here for about 20 min. I do admit I was disorganized because I had just got into town.

We weren't connecting. He was asking a bunch of awkward questions about my health and my weight and making me highly uncomfortable. I eventually told him it would be best if he left because of how awkward and uncomfortable things have gotten.

I offered him a refund a partial one and he told me money was no object to him.

I don't feel like I did anything wrong besides being a bit disorganized as I had just gotten into town.

I was highly uncomfortable. What woman wouldn't when a guy keeps asking about your weight fluctuations and how you are a big girl.

I offered him a half refund he didn't want it. And now he is bashing me on the boards!! DH168
ffireman's Avatar
Sorry to see the "No" review. IMO, the review simply reads, as you suggested, that you two did not click and things were uncomfortable. IMO, not deserving of a "no', but each member can post what they like.

Thanks for sharing your side of the story.

justtheresa69's Avatar
Trust me, girlfriend, It isn't you.

Thanks for posting your response and for having the guts to do that and for trusting us to read both sides of the story and make up our own minds.

I made up mind when I read
She did have amazing Breast. But I really don't believe they are the H cups she is claiming. Bigger then DDD's sure. H. No. False Advertisement if you ask me. Originally Posted by awkward one
I just can't take him serious after that.

Hang in there, sweetie!

Hugs and Kisses.
Guest062716's Avatar
Trust me, girlfriend, It isn't you.

Thanks for posting your response and for having the guts to do that and for trusting us to read both sides of the story and make up our own minds.

I made up mind when I read
She did have amazing Breast. But I really don't believe they are the H cups she is claiming. Bigger then DDD's sure. H. No. False Advertisement if you ask me. Originally Posted by RH168
I just can't take him serious after that.

Hang in there, sweetie!

Hugs and Kisses.
Theresa Originally Posted by justtheresa69
LOL, me too! I am a big breast lover.

Bigger than DDD (which is also and "F" cup) is G and H.

DDD/F cup is a difference of 6" between over and under the breast measurement.
G cup is 7" difference and H cup is 8" difference.

If you admit the difference is greater than 6" but cannot be 8" and you are not a professional dressmaker or bra-fitter, then where do you get off claiming "false advertisement?"

Bridgette, thanks for posting your side of the story. In my experience, the gents will make up their minds about what "really happened". There is nothing in the "no" recommendation that should rise to the level of people not seeing you, if they read your other reviews and/or your response here.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your visit to Killeen!


Thank you everyone. And sarge is completely right. My under bust is 36 to 38 my overbust is 46. So that puts me right there lol.
I really appreciate the support
Guest062716's Avatar
I have put a tape measure or two on a large breasted lady... LOL.
(sadly, I am no longer offering that service.)

(and 46/36 over/under would put you at a J, LOL)

Thanks for your posting, Bridgette.


I have put a tape measure or two on a large breasted lady... LOL.
(sadly, I am no longer offering that service.)

(and 46/36 over/under would put you at a J, LOL)

Thanks for your posting, Bridgette.


OldSarge Originally Posted by OldSarge

Maybe that's why my girls are a little bit snug
  • RH168
  • 05-03-2015, 08:53 AM
We weren't connecting. He was asking a bunch of awkward questions about my health and my weight and making me highly uncomfortable. Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann
Questions about your heath. I don't recall asking any. I did ask about your Tattoo. I asked if was meant to be a corset. You brought up that it was a scar cover up, in till you did I could not even tell.

I did notice something with your knee and I offered you help with heavy lifting.

I was highly uncomfortable. What woman wouldn't when a guy keeps asking about your weight fluctuations and how you are a big girl. Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann
I never once asked you about your weight. Weight was brought up two times. First. I did ask about your breasts if they where H cups. Then you brought up weight. I remember just saying something like yeah that's normal to month to month changes in weight. Second The only other comment on weight was the awkward joke. About after asking me where I am from you stated you from Tyler. I believe I said something like Tyler the meth capitol of Texas. You stated don't do meth. I remember saying something like I believe you because of your weight.

I never once directly asked you for your weight nor do I care what a scale says. I did ask you about your breasts and make a off beat joke about a town. If I need to apologize about asking a busty provider about her breasts then you would not be the only I would need to apologize too. Your making it sound like I directly asked about your weight. I never did.
Guest062716's Avatar
RH, let it go.

You called her a liar in your review about her breast size and now you want to say you simply asked her if they H cups or not.

You called her hair a mess.

Your review is full of venom (Hell NO! Worst Experience of my life, etc) and the lady cannot comment in your review. NOR can the lady ready your ROS comments.

Her reply here is her side of the story. Told in the only place she can tell it.

IMO, you are doing yourself more harm than help.

Many ladies will see your NO review, with the extra comments and make a decision not to see you.

Most men will look at the 170 reviews that lady has and decide to see her.

Sorry you two did not click. That you both agree on. Let it go at that.

  • RH168
  • 05-03-2015, 09:35 AM
He was asking a bunch of awkward questions about my health and my weight and making me highly uncomfortable. I eventually told him it would be best if he left because of how awkward and uncomfortable things have gotten. Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann

I am expected to sit back while someone calls in to question things that makes me sound like I am not a gentleman? I never once directly asked her weight. The only comment I made to her health I made was when I noticed something up with her knee and offered to help her with heavy lifting. She never asked me to leave she just stated that we where not "vibing" over and over. I had to ask if she wanted me to leave while she was saying I am sorry.

All I asked this lady for was a massage. I was not aware you had to "Click" To get a massage. I did not ask for a gfe nor wanted that. I ended up over paying even by her own rates for a 20 min massage.
I'm going to state a few facts then I'm shutting up.

First off
When we were setting up the appointment I asked him if he wanted l1 or l2 because he asked about massage. He said he wanted gfe. That rate was my traveling gfe special because he said he wanted gfe.

Secondly I did profusely apologize because I felt bad that things went so array.

That is all on the subject.

Have a good day folks lol
BA. Keep your chin up girl! I applaud the way you have dealt with this. RH, right or wrong, this is not a situation you can win. Anything you say other than "there was a miscommunication and it just didn't work between us..." is going to come off wrong no matter how truthful.

Just my advice.
ffireman's Avatar
CLOSED at the request of the OP.