i miss you Arlington!!

Cynamon's Avatar
Do we open up tomorrow around here? Whats the mask mandate tommorrow?
TinMan's Avatar
The state is returning the decision on masks back to businesses, so take yours with you wherever you go just in case. Walmart, as an example, has announced they’re still requiring masks in their stores.

Btw...welcome back!
Cynamon's Avatar
Thank you! So we are still wearing them. Maybe it’s necessary.
TinMan's Avatar
I suspect it will still be the norm for at least a few more months.
I think the plan is to have vaccines available for every adult by May. It will probably take another month or two past that to get them to people. I'm seeing a lot of my friends getting their shots now.
I was in Walmart & Brahms today No Mask Required!!
BBW Mamacita's Avatar
Im in north arlington/GP and it seems like everywhere arpund here is stil enforcing it. Some business did take down the masks requirement sign though. Plastic shields are still up. Employees are still masked