Has anyone ever had an appointment with someone they knew outside the hobby??

Say for instance, during the screening, it just doesn't click that you know that person. I would guess, unless there are really good pictures of the lady, this would fall on the responsibility of the lady to know if they know the guy or not.

If you did know them, how did the session go, if there was one?

I went to a strip club a couple of times and ran into people I knew. One girl I somewhat knew and used to work with gave me a dance or two. It was a little weird, but fun once I got into it. She was a new dancer, so that put a damper on it.

The other was a girl I went to elementary school all the way through high school with. She didn't dance, and didn't take off her top, so nothing happened.
Never has happened, but I have considered the possibility and tried to figure out how to best handle it. For example, the door opens and standing behind it ready to play is a former student. What then.
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About 2 or so years ago there was a UTR hottie that lived here in Corpus but only "worked" in SA and The Valley. I had a good hobby buddy who told me about her and his exact words were "you have to see this young lady". So I sent a pm and ask her if the next time she was coming through Corpus she'd let me know, I'd like to see her and that I'd heard great things about her. She replied saying she'd like to see me and that she'd be coming through town the following week. Now keep in mind this lady was very UTR, didn't have any pics and as far as I know still doesn't have any pics on web.

The next week came and I got a room at a local notel and awaited her arrival. A text or two later and there's a knock at the door. I open it and am staring face to face with a beautiful lady that I'd known for at least 6 years and wanted to have sex with just about as long. We had a couple mutual friends and had even gone out partying a few times. She smiled and asked if she could use my shower. Of course I replied and while she was in the shower got nekkid and hopped into bed.

Out of the shower wrapped in a towel we began to play. It was a hot and heavy few hours and when we were both exhausted she smiled and said "so, how's Axxxxx?". I laughed and said great and we chatted for an hour or so catching up. We both agreed that once we'd had sex, we both had too much to lose to say anything to anyone.

That started a 6 month run of twice a week in various locations and ended with her retiring...sigh, now that's one I wish I could get back.

(btw, thanks MichealJ...I think I still owe you one!)