
Elgato69's Avatar
Guys, where are all the reviews. I know you are hobbying but no reviews. The providers are telling me they are seeing up to six guys a day. Reviews are one of the main reasons this site exists. It also helps the other hobby brothers decide who they will see.

Have you had an awesome time with one of the ladies or did you have buyers remorse after you left.

For those of you that are new to the site and do not have Premium Access here is a link on writing reviews.

If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.

dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 05-12-2010, 06:05 PM
I owe one. I will try to get it done this weekend.
tradermac75's Avatar
I just did one.

sorry I owe a few, from what I hear it's slow around here.
Maybe the recent BP sting has everyone a little shaken. Given a little time and I'm sure the traffic will pick back up again. I remember a few years ago when ASPD was on channel 7 news, the community all but died for a few months. Then all of a sudden BAM! We had a ton of reviews and threads.

Maybe a social or something would help generate some traffic and ease everyone's concerns...any thoughts?