Provider Names

What's up with all the new providers handles? Sexy Hips, Sex Mommi, Sex Me, Ms Sassy, Miss Sexy, Lady Luck, MajestyCCTX, StarrCCTX ...this is becoming entirely too confusing.

What happened to good old fashioned names...ones that you could actually say in public and not get funny looks. Like Holly, Sasha, Aidan, Heather, Olivia, Trinity, Victoria, Veronica, Miranda...etc.

I know most guys put some serious thought into our handles but it seems like the new girls are just borrowing from the girls that brought them into the biz. Wonder if the mod's would be willing to change these girls handles if they were interested in coming up with something more original...

It is getting a bit ridiculous.

I'm getting ready to write a review about a lady whose name is similar to, but not included in those LAP listed. I had to double and tripple check to make sure I was using the right handle!!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Seems like they would be more creative, choose an original name not too complex but one that would stand out. Or am I thinking a wee bit too....Fancy?
rjdiner's Avatar
What's up with all the new providers handles? Sexy Hips, Sex Mommi, Sex Me, Ms Sassy, Miss Sexy, Lady Luck, MajestyCCTX, StarrCCTX ...this is becoming entirely too confusing.

What happened to good old fashioned names...ones that you could actually say in public and not get funny looks. Like Holly, Sasha, Aidan, Heather, Olivia, Trinity, Victoria, Veronica, Miranda...etc.

I know most guys put some serious thought into our handles but it seems like the new girls are just borrowing from the girls that brought them into the biz. Wonder if the mod's would be willing to change these girls handles if they were interested in coming up with something more original...

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
I agree. You need a program to tell the players. Someone(s) needs to change their handle before they build a good following.

So, one of you girls needs to be the guinea pig and start a poll in Co-Ed and let the guys vote on some of the new handles you like.
LatinaVeronica's Avatar
was thinking the same thing ... thanks LAP
Really? That's all we have to complain about these days? I'm personally damn happy to see new talent hitting our streets.. Id much prefer sexy ____ .. over fat old bitch , or cracked out skank!
HAHA...reminds me of something I was told a while back by a hobby buddy:

"if you have to put 'sexy', 'beautiful', or some other adjective in your probably aren't"

I haven't seen any of the new gals personally so I can't tell you if that statement is true...