Cops attack 2 men, men fight back

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Fox 2 News video footage

I like how cops can start the escalation by confronting the people and getting in their face, but then when the people react to that escalation suddenly any use of force is "justified."
JCM800's Avatar
as usual the PD says "the use of force was deemed appropriate and reasonable" ...basically they can do whatever they want and there's not shit anyone can do about it.

but hey $3.45 for the breakfast special ...that's a pretty good deal
Guest123018-4's Avatar
WE live in a police state. What do you expect.
As long as people are willing to give up their rights or fail to stop the taking of your rights the government will do as they please.
Fox 2 News video footage

I like how cops can start the escalation by confronting the people and getting in their face, but then when the people react to that escalation suddenly any use of force is "justified." Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
The fact is, you can't fight cops on duty, period. Your ass will get arrested.

But, sooner or later, this will go before a Jury, and I just wish I was on that Jury. Those two young men would be exonerated, and those two overzealous cops would be shown for what they are, thugs with guns.

And while we are on this subject, since when did our local law enforcement officers feel compelled to dress like jack booted Brownshirts. This paramilitary look does nothing to instill trust in the eyes of the public.

Police Officers should look like Police Officers, not Gestapo Agents.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey Jackie, what about the near future when a cop decides that he can get away with shooting you to death to cover up a mistake he made. Would you fight back then? I bet this same question came up a lot in Germany in the 30s.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You have to stand down when the cops challenge you, or else they escalate. They had some reason to follow those guys, and those guys were uncooperative and challenged the cops. I suggest you act courteously towards the cops next time.
You have to stand down when the cops challenge you, or else they escalate. They had some reason to follow those guys, and those guys were uncooperative and challenged the cops. I suggest you act courteously towards the cops next time. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
But as it turned out, the two "guys" were not thugs, not criminals, not out to do harm to anyone, or anything. In fact, they were exactly what we are hoping all young men will be, getting an education and being a productive member of society.

The cops profiled them, plain and simple. The cops instigated the situation, and allowed it to escalate.

We are not yet at that "let me see your papers" stage in this Country.

The young men should be exonerated, and the cops disciplined.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, was that at a doughnut shop and they were about to beat the cops to the last doughnuts?
  • Laz
  • 08-31-2013, 07:56 AM
Cops are not perfect. There appears to be no reason for them to hassle the guys even if they had made a stupid comment as the cops claim. Freedom of speech. They have no right to use their authority to get even for alleged comments. That being said I doubt the headaches the guys are going through was worth trying to stand up to the cops. However, I am glad they did since cops need to be reminded that they work for the public and have to respect that. This will be a pain in the ass for the police department also.