Routine in Sex - Providing the New ~ Or New Provider?

Kelly TNT's Avatar

Oooof! It's No Bueno!

Guys, if you see a provider on a regular you find yourselves falling into a "Routine" in Sex? Or do you always try something New when you visit her?? A new Position? A new sexual or sensual act? Are you bringing something New to your visit? Do you feel it's the Providers responsibility to keep things fresh for the two of you? Or, do you just call a different Provider to get back the excitement?

Ladies, when you see the same person on a regular basis..Are you adding new excitement to your visits?? Toys? Props? Outfits? Even the smallest thing that might mix it up a bit?
Or has it become more "Routine" in Sex with that person?

A few ideas...

  • Good Communication- Being able to talk about your likes and dislikes. Telling each other what you want to do with/to each other.
  • Sexual positions- Trying a new position..can be Huge! Sticking to the "Same o Same o" will eventually become boring. It's fun to at least Try something different.

LOL....I was trying a New position one time..and I fell backward off the end of the bed!! When I went down... I took him down with me! He landed Right on top of me...Aaaand then, the Mattress lands on him! Holy s...t balls it was Awesome!! I guess it was something close to this...but, with a mattress on his back!

How are you keeping your "Regulars" from being Routine?

~Kelly TNT


When I was active, I would call different providers depending on what I felt until I found someone who I connected with. Then I would spend time with that provider yet I did not take it that it was all her responsibility to be the one inventing new ways of making things exciting. Some providers would get into a routine and when I tried changing things, they usually went along with it. However, once I found that a provider would do the same thing, as in if it was by rote for them, and that I stopped being an interesting client but just another buck, I would then move to the next lady and take a chance.

I tended to get into a provider and her into me so we would have fun being spontaneous with each other. The fun was not just the act but the buildup, the playfulness and the spontaneity of the time together. Except for one, I never made the mistake of crossing the line and “thinking” there was more there except what we both had during that hour or two together. I also was not one to try the Porn Olympics, if you will, as I tended to be much more of a sensual lover rather than someone who was into all the theatrics. For me, I was much more turned on with making out, kissing and the touching which would lead to other things. You would be surprised how difficult it was to find a provider that liked that and wanted to do those things.

For instances, I once had a provider bounce me off a bed and it was a hoot! I had so much fun with that person but things change as do the times. For me, I like different things but I don’t think it should be one sided which is why I have always liked sticking with one provider until it does not work for either of us. I value learning what the provider likes and does not like and her doing the same with me which then will lead to a formation of trust between us. That is when it gets good...
Peanut's Avatar
seeing someone on a regular basis is good because you get the formalities out of the way on the first visit (nervousness and the usual checks and balances) and know each is safe. I am more into chatting getting to know the lady. and hope she gets to know me. building a bond (not a relationship) with someone total creates an awesome event even if it is the standard routine stuff.
Good question Kelly. It will be interesting to hear what the ladies have to say.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I bought a book with 1,100 positions in it and I am working thru it with my provider. Still have a ways to go.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I always try new stuff. New positions, new locations in the house, outdoors when it's nice, by the pool, by the window.
Different lighting, different music to try to create a different mood.

I think about what I want to do during the week and even write it down so that I will not forget it in the heat of the moment.
I have never had "regular" sessions with a provider. There have been those I have seen two or three times, but for me it is the adventure of a new experience with a new provider. While I appreciate the comfort that may come from finding the special provider where there is no awkwardness, I tend to thrive on that and enjoy meeting new ladies.
tiggold's Avatar
I'm stuck on one provider right now. I use to enjoy the new experience and hardly ever see a provider more than one. All of a sudden I found a AFT.

So yes we like the new experience with different providers but if you find a AFT you will stick with one. I'm guessing that until we feel it is not as exciting and move on.
Communication seems like it would be key....both ways.

Though I'll always remember a lady last fall who on my second visit when I asked what she wanted she sighed, rolled her eyes and said 'why do you guys all ask that exact same question.' It a serious mood killer. Needless to say, I did not become a regular.

It's a hard balance to find. As a client, I sometimes sense the desire to 'make the customer happy', but from experience it seems like the best sessions are when your hitting all of her right buttons in a session as well.

IMO, talking about mixing it up is sexiest when it's at the end of a session or when setting something up. When I was booking a repeat session with a lady, she made a suggestion of something she wanted to do next time. It was a great way to make me look forward to the session.
Chevalier's Avatar
Although a tryst with Lady A tends to differ noticeably from a tryst with Lady B which tends to differ noticeably from a tryst with Lady C . . . .

I guess dates with any particular lady, even one I see a lot, tend to not change a lot from date to date, at least at the level of which specific acts/positions, in which order, etc. I'm fairly plain vanilla and, alas, an unimaginative guy. Within that overall structure, though, the subtleties and nuances may vary quite a bit. If you have a connection with a truly sensual lover who is "in the moment," rather than running through a mental checklist or script, one kiss is not the same as another; one caress is not the same as another. (Without that connection and sensuality . . . variety may not be enough to keep me coming back anyway.) Normally that variance of the subtleties/nuances is enough to keep me happy. I can't remember ever dropping a favorite/regular because of her failure to check out every chapter of the Kama Sutra.

If the lady starts to get bored with it, well, hopefully she can move the tryst in a new direction more to her liking. Even though I'm unimaginative and might not suggest something, I'm probably more than happy to go along with something that she's interested in trying. With two or three exceptions, though, ladies have not suggested or initiated such experimentation. Either they're happy with the "routine" as well, unduly passive at getting what they want, or indifferent to the sex and just focused on the $$$.
Pearl Man's Avatar
As usual, very well put, Chev. Couldn't agree more. Over time, it's usually falling into the mechanical, scripted motions that proves the difference between a good fuck and a great Provider.
TinMan's Avatar
Two words: hand puppets.
For me, it’s not a checklist; it’s whatever happens to feel good at the moment. Sometimes, it’s slow and sensual and intimate, other times it’s hard and fast and rough and tumble. The mood I am in typically dictates what I wear, how aggressive I am, how passive I am, etc.

I’ve been lucky enough that my moods change often enough that I don’t generally fall into a rut. Of course, when you get to know someone, you can also begin to gage their mood, and what they want out of the session and that’s just another added dimension to going with the mood of the moment.

rakuguy's Avatar
As with all relationships what occurs during sack time is not primarily what keeps me coming back so much as it is how well we click before and after the main event. If you dig each other as people, naturally make each other laugh and genuinely enjoy one another's company then eveything else is greatly enhanced. That's why I go back again and again in the few instances that I have.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
As with all relationships what occurs during sack time is not primarily what keeps me coming back so much as it is how well we click before and after the main event. If you dig each other as people, naturally make each other laugh and genuinely enjoy one another's company then eveything else is greatly enhanced. That's why I go back again and again in the few instances that I have. Originally Posted by rakuguy

Amen always is better when approached with the head on your shoulders as opposed to the one that guides most gents in a providers direction. Making connections always always makes things better for all parties! I often accuse myself of being a "chatty Cathy", but I feel it's important to make some kind of connection before and after the other connection comes into play. Maybe that comes with experience.

Anyway, guess that's why most of the true GFE ladies are not clock watchers as they understand this concept as well, and even though it's important for the gents not to take advantage of our time, I sometimes find I'm the one that needs to be kept on track with "the clock", because that connection makes the actual act so much BETTER and I truly enjoy what I do and would like that to continue.....

Should I not approach it as if it were about me too?