Oooof! It's No Bueno!
Guys, if you see a provider on a regular you find yourselves falling into a "Routine" in Sex? Or do you always try something New when you visit her?? A new Position? A new sexual or sensual act? Are you bringing something New to your visit? Do you feel it's the Providers responsibility to keep things fresh for the two of you? Or, do you just call a different Provider to get back the excitement?
Ladies, when you see the same person on a regular basis..Are you adding new excitement to your visits?? Toys? Props? Outfits? Even the smallest thing that might mix it up a bit?
Or has it become more "Routine" in Sex with that person?
A few ideas...
- Good Communication- Being able to talk about your likes and dislikes. Telling each other what you want to do with/to each other.
- Sexual positions- Trying a new position..can be Huge! Sticking to the "Same o Same o" will eventually become boring. It's fun to at least Try something different.
LOL....I was trying a New position one time..and I fell backward off the end of the bed!! When I went down... I took him down with me! He landed Right on top of me...Aaaand then, the Mattress lands on him! Holy s...t balls it was Awesome!! I guess it was something close to this...but, with a mattress on his back!
How are you keeping your "Regulars" from being Routine?
~Kelly TNT