Fellas, how much of you "hobby" activity is local vs. on the road?

atlcomedy's Avatar
I'll define "local" as within an hour's drive (+/-) of your home.

Why? Why not?

Time/Availability? (e.g. wifey makes it hard to do locally)

Selection? (not a lot to choose from where I live)

Economics? (pricing is more/less favorable where I live)

Discretion? (I'm the high school principal and as much as I fantasize about it I realize it isn't a good idea to sleep with my former students, etc.)

Market knowledge? (I know my local scene, why mess with a good thing and get ripped off somewhere else)

Myself: My on the road activity has declined substantially over the years primarily because my travel in general has declined (or at least is more in & out with less time for fun) coupled with being in a good market (ATL)
100% on the road.

There's not much to choose from here.
Running into someone I know is highly probable.
I risk a lot if I hobby at home.
Economics doesn't play much of a role.
discreetgent's Avatar
All on the road unless I choose to fly a gal in for a few days at home.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
All road for me.

Not an issue with the wife. Mrs. Mazo knows, approves, and will join in when she finds a provider that appeals to her. (Alas, she's very picky so not too much extra fun for me.)

My problem is the locals. Very thin selection. Most are a little less stable than I'm willing to risk. For some reason the local scene is a lot like a high school drama class.

These days it's the regulars on the road and highly-recommended, well-established touring girls for me.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Depends on how you define "on the road." I've got two homes I own and one I rent. All on the road if your talking about my primary residence.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
50/50 for me. There is no Mrs CC, so the frequency boils down to finances, not location so much.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Not an issue with the wife. Mrs. Mazo knows, approves, and will join in when she finds a provider that appeals to her. (Alas, she's very picky so not too much extra fun for me.)


Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Lucky Mr. Mazo ...
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Lucky Mr. Mazo ... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
In many, many ways.

And I've looked up and thanked the universe for bringing me that woman every day for the last 26 years.

Good Evening;

And for me, 'On the Road' means not in the same country, and 99% of that is not even in the same continent as home.

Good Night.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Good Evening;

And for me, 'On the Road' means not in the same country, and 99% of that is not even in the same continent as home.

Good Night.
Cyclops Originally Posted by Mr.Oneeye
If I may ask why? & on what continent do you typically play?

And for the roughly "50/50" or "both" folks which is more fun/enjoyable (home/road)?
Mazomaniac's Avatar
If I may ask why? & on what continent do you typically play? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well I travel a lot in my work. My current ATF is in Sydney and I've got regular favorites in London and Toronto as well.

The nice thing in these places is that I don't have to worry about LE at all. I can go out with the young lady for dinner and a show and not once have to look over my back to see if somebody is watching. And while it's possible that a business contact might spot me out with a date in once of these cities, it's a far more remote possibility than if I was out on the town at home or in a major US city.

There's a lot of advantages to hobbying overseas. It makes it a lot less stressful for all parties involved.

100% on the road
If I may ask why? & on what continent do you typically play? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Good Evening Altcomedy;

I play on the North American continent, in the US to be exact, many thousands of miles away from my home in Europe.

Good Night
ANONONE's Avatar
Mostly on the road, unless I am exceptionally horny and flush with expendable cash.

The other thing that might prompt me to hobby in my backyard is if somebody I have been lusting for an eternity was suddenly here touring at the same time all the other hobby stars align.

I don't know about everyone else, but even when I go locally I still prefer outcall over an incall and since no matter how many years I do this it feels weird to get a room in my own city, and most touring ladies don't really want to do an outcall, I am finding I like the road more--plus when on a consulting gig, it is usually somebody else's dime and the room tends to be more upscale. I had a frugal German upbringing--I stay cheap when it is on my dime.
From the other side of the coin, most of the gentlemen I meet are on the road. Most local gentlemen quote financial reasons to meet with ladies other than me. I don't fault them for it. Not that I'm not worth saving for (because I am ), but Dallas has a wealth of quality ladies whose affections are procurable at very reasonable rates.