New Web Design Agency for Independent Escorts

Hello, my name is Abigail and I and few of my escorting friends have started a new web design agency for independent escorts ( We’ve specifically created Vermuda Design for independent escorts who would like to have a unique beautifully designed site. We have over 200 design templates that you can choose from. We also are offering 100% refunds to anyone who is not satisfied with our work. Our fast turnaround time means that you can have your new site in less than one week’s time. Please visit our site, and feel free to email me at any time if you have any questions.


chetmanly's Avatar
Really? Shouldn't have you finished your own website first?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Give someone a coloring book and a box of crayons and they call themselves an artist.
I'm not positive, but I strongly suspect that this Abigail in New York might be the same one that was called out earlier this year for using fake sites in their portfolio, as well as claiming other people's designs as their own:

Either way, they're basically just taking $30 templates (like their own site) and reselling them for hundreds of dollars. Not sure if that really qualifies as 'web design'
Multiple Handles are a no no. ijs....