SHOCK! UN Report Shows Global Warming May Be Caused By . . . THE SUN!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In a shocking report leaked from the UN today, data is revealed that a major cause of global warming may be coming from our local star, the Sun. The UN Security Council, meeting in emergency session immediately demanded that the Sun open itself for inspections. The Council also levied a worldwide tax to fund sending UN investigators to the Sun to determine what level of solar activity is present.

When asked if the trip would be dangerous, a UN Spokesperson replied, "I shan't think so. We will be going at night."

President Obama of the United States warned that if the Sun refuses to comply with the mandate from the UN, the US would "have no choice but to invade the Sun."

For the real story, click here:

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I am sure assup will disgree, along with bigtits
Well they used to call it "Global Warming" but they changed the name to " climate Change", haha, so silly. Yes the climate does change for example Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. all have different temperature and weather characteristics, depending upon the angle the earth is in refference to the Sun. I even read once that the planet Mercury was responsible for Global Warming because it was moving closer to our atmosphere. I am sure that sounds good to the average dupe, thats not a happening thing. Real scientist don't see any evidence of that happening. Climate change does not indicate a catastrophic future for the planet.
The article touches on the devastating storms such as Sandy that are a result of all of this climate change.

What did they blame this puppy on.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
The article touches on the devastating storms such as Sandy that are a result of all of this climate change.

What did they blame this puppy on. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well fuck!!! And I was fixing to start believing all of that idiot Gores bullshit... HAHA, NOT REALLY.. Only a fucking idiot would believe anything that fucking idiot said.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If Al Gore believed the sea level would rise as fast as he said then why did he buy a house on the beach?
If Leo believes that our end is quickly coming then why does he pollute flying around the world by private jet including the World Cup in South Africa?
Climate Change>>>Global Warming>>>The Coming Ice Age>>>Mass starvation by 1990>>>DDT>>>brought to you by Paul Erlich and the Watermelon Crew.
Where the fuck did you tea bags think heat came from? Well maybe the hot air you exhume.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
To think that man can actually have an affect on the climate of the earth can only come from the minds of those that believe they are superior to others. These are the ones that believe that everybody should be controlled by their il since they know they are superior. That sort of thinking is a mental defect with various names in the psychiatric community. Generally speaking, those sorts of people have caused more harm to the human race than any other type of person on the planet.
stoopid sun (I sound like Ekim008's father)
Just when I thought y'all couldn't get any more stupid, you come along and disappoint me.

Try reading the full article. The headline is aimed at the average Fox idiot.
Here are some links to oil company viewpoints. They are not renowned for their green credentials. I don't think a single one denies the dangers of global warming nor the effect of CO2 and other GRG's. But they have different attitudes as to how the effects might be managed.

Now, of course, this sandbox has far better scientific credentials than these major oil companies, so thier views can be suitably rubbished, or dismissed as global conspiracy again.
To think that man can actually have an affect on the climate of the earth can only come from the minds of those that believe they are superior to others. These are the ones that believe that everybody should be controlled by their il since they know they are superior. That sort of thinking is a mental defect with various names in the psychiatric community. Generally speaking, those sorts of people have caused more harm to the human race than any other type of person on the planet. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This is one of the more ignorant posts ever.

Just thought I would let you know.

It is a post about beliefs, not science.
Well fuck!!! And I was fixing to start believing all of that idiot Gores bullshit... HAHA, NOT REALLY.. Only a fucking idiot would believe anything that fucking idiot said. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Most knowledgeable reputable critics of AG, whilst arguing about detail, still indicate he broadly gets things right. It is difficult to communicate a very complex subject to a wide audience.

I think AG's mistake was to talk about the 'near future' - it is not clear whether he means 10 years or 1000 years - and most people read it as 10 - 50 years.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is one of the more ignorant posts ever.

Just thought I would let you know.

It is a post about beliefs, not science. Originally Posted by essence
I think 2Dogs pretty well handed you your ass. Nice job, 2D!

joe bloe's Avatar
This is one of the more ignorant posts ever.

Just thought I would let you know.

It is a post about beliefs, not science. Originally Posted by essence
Reducing human CO2 production will have about as much effect on the climate as a rain dance. I'm pretty sure Obama is the third one from the right.