TAKE A GUESS...........

How many people were shot/killed in Chicago over 4th of July weekend ?
  1. No one.
  2. Only one person.
  3. A family of four.
  4. 72 persons.

With all the gun control in Chicago, and how well that prevents crime, of course the answer is "1. No one".
I was in Chicago this past Saturday evening and saw on the evening news that there was quite a bit of gun violence this past holiday weekend. Don't know the number of deaths.
Yea I believe they have heavy gun control laws in IL.and it appears to not do any good...however....the lack of gun control laws here in Texas proves that no control doesn't work either. The country is turning into the wild wild west.
Oppps...the body count (shot/killed) in Chicago is up to 78 over the 4th of July weekend; so much for liberal policies intended to protect us.

At least the Governor gets it. He is supporting arming the public now to combat this crap and let citizens defend themselves.

"For days, Quinn has been pushing for his alterations to a bill that would make Illinois the last in the nation to allow concealed carry of weapons in public, something the state must do."

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I bet none of them involved alcohol either......ijs

Ya know, ya put that many libtards together in one place and they are bound to kill a few off. Hell even they cant stand themselves for long.
Arming everybody doesn't work cause any IDIOT that thinks he needs a gun to protect himself is a dangerous deluded fool as well.
Yea I believe they have heavy gun control laws in IL.and it appears to not do any good...however....the lack of gun control laws here in Texas proves that no control doesn't work either. The country is turning into the wild wild west. Originally Posted by txrancher1
How Wild was the west, have any idea?
Cairo is safer than Chicago .....democrat city top to bottom.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This belongs in the Chicagoland thread. There are some counties in Illinois that are NOT passing gun control laws and are theatening to pass open carry laws. This is one front that the left is losing hands down.

it is barely July and we on the way to surpassing Afghanistan in Chicago

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-09-2013, 12:57 AM
Fuck em, let them kill each other off. Less libtards to vote 10 times each. Lol
Looks like it is a done deal; Illinois finally changes their right to carry laws.


At least the Governor gets it. He is supporting arming the public now to combat this crap and let citizens defend themselves.

"For days, Quinn has been pushing for his alterations to a bill that would make Illinois the last in the nation to allow concealed carry of weapons in public, something the state must do."

http://www.timesunion.com/news/artic...ll-4652427.php Originally Posted by nwarounder
How Wild was the west, have any idea? Originally Posted by acp5762
Gunfights were rare in the Wild West. Dime store novels and latter Hollywood blew it out of proportion.