calling a escort or texting a escort?

I just want to know can I get in any trouble if I call escorts but don't see them? What if a police sting takes place and my number was found to call a certain escort but I never set up a date with them? The same with texts.

By law I can only get in trouble being caught in the act right? should be worried about getting in trouble with providers by wasting their time and just kicking tires!
firelips's Avatar
Be careful , if you send naked selfies they will get you on indecent exposure charges:-)
jframe2's Avatar
Come on people ..... deny, deny, deny any/all questions about your involvement regarding anything in this world of ours.

Better yet, if you get questiond by LEO, be polite and then STFU! Get an attorney.
Come on people ..... deny, deny, deny any/all questions about your involvement regarding anything in this world of ours.

Better yet, if you get questiond by LEO, be polite and then STFU! Get an attorney. Originally Posted by jframe2
Agreed. The OP has made nothing but inquisitive posts about how things work--ever since 2012. And he's definitely not short on answers from anyone here....smh.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Is it illegal to make a phone call, or send a text?
mike.anthony1983's Avatar
Is it illegal to make a phone call, or send a text? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I would think that the contents of the text might be. A phone call could just be to a wrong number but a text saying "I'll be there at 8" sent to a known provider who gets arrested? Dunno, I'm sure it might at least be enough cause for a questioning. should be worried about getting in trouble with providers by wasting their time and just kicking tires! Originally Posted by radarlove

For real. Judging by your post history it looks like you've spent two years calling/texting providers but not booking with them. You sound like a classic TTW and no one has time for that nonsense.