So Whi IS The Better Man?

ICU 812's Avatar
Who Is The Better Man?
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Many here seem dedicated to worshiping one or another of the Candidates .. .and others are devoted to trashing either of the candidates. Stop; step back and tik it all over.

This year, I do not think we are voting for or against either of these men. There are many disparaging things written about President Trump's character, integrity and ethics that i agree with. There are many disparaging things written about former Vice President Biden being equally unethical, misogynistic or perhaps even criminal. I mean all aspects of that statement to apply equally to both men. It is sad, but our system gives us those choices this year. In my view, neither one is a "better man."

What we are left with is the fundamentals of policy and cultural point of view that voting "for" one or the other of them will bring. It is my opinion that if the democrats win nationally and locally, we will see a sea-change in the society and culture of the USA as we have now known it. Some changes are already happening. I do not think that either Seattle or Portland will return to the vitality and charm they had when I last visited in 2014. Not for a long time anyway. Sure, this is in part due to the ravages of the Corona pandemic. But I believe that much of the lasting damage is due to the misadministration of the liberal-Democrat controlled governing bodies in both cities.

Other cities already affected that will never be the same are Minneapolis and St. Louis. Arguments can be made about root causes and systemic racism, but underlying all of them is the decades of policies and administration of Liberal Democrats.

The worst case of all will be New York City. Thousands of wealthy people have permanently left in the last few months. They are looking for tax havens such as Florida and Texas. Broadway and the entire theater district will not re-open till July of 2021. Thousands of local service related businesses have or will soone wither away because of that alone. Large corporations have decided to reduce their physical footprint in the city by 30% to 60% or more. Vacant office space is higher now than ever before. The same is true for r apartments.

Again the causes are several-to-many. However, any of the economic ramifications of the pandemic have been exacerbated by liberal-Democrat policies such as taxation and the failure to maintain order. There are others. Anyone can run amok, looting and burning in the name of peacefully protesting what most do recognize as social injustice . . .but let a religious minority dare to hold services and the mayor sends in the police.

To come back to the premise of this thread: My criteria for voting this year is NOT who is the "better man" (Jimmy Carter was a better man than most of us for example), but rather what will the country look like by this time in 2024?

Will we be well on the way to being Venesuela or Cuba? Or will we be on the way to returning to the USA of December 2019?
matchingmole's Avatar
Whi? probably teh
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump is the only choice to continue America being great again!
ICU 812's Avatar
Trump is the only choice to continue America being great again! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Right . . .But I would say it is larger than voting for a man.

It is my view that to save the republic, we must vote Republican all the way down the ballot.
matchingmole's Avatar
Right . . .But I would say it is larger than voting for a man.

It is my view that to save the republic, we must vote Republican all the way down the ballot. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Nah...Not gonna do it...wouldn't be prudent
Right . . .But I would say it is larger than voting for a man.

It is my view that to save the republic, we must vote Republican all the way down the ballot. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Gonna be a Bloodbath. Even the Republicans in office have conceded that point privately. Some even said it out loud. Trump has basically admitted in jest that he’s gonna lose embarrassingly (though I suspect he was more serious than he let on. His internal polls are showing him down in places he thought he’d win.

You go ahead and stay a doomsayer. Cry when the world comes to an end and the republic falls apart.

Oh that’s right. It won’t fall apart. It’ll go on just as it did when the Republicans took control and we had to deal with it. Or when the Democrats took over previously and you had to deal with it. And you get better healthcare as a consolation prize that you’ve tried for a decade to get rid of.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is the only choice to continue America being great again! Originally Posted by winn dixie
“Continue being great again.”

I KNOW you didn’t go to grammar school in Austin, Hump!

matchingmole's Avatar
Who Is The Better Man?
______________________________ __________
Many here seem dedicated to worshiping one or another of the Candidates .. .and others are devoted to trashing either of the candidates. Stop; step back and tik it all over.

This year, I do not think we are voting for or against either of these men. There are many disparaging things written about President Trump's character, integrity and ethics that i agree with. There are many disparaging things written about former Vice President Biden being equally unethical, misogynistic or perhaps even criminal. I mean all aspects of that statement to apply equally to both men. It is sad, but our system gives us those choices this year. In my view, neither one is a "better man."

What we are left with is the fundamentals of policy and cultural point of view that voting "for" one or the other of them will bring. It is my opinion that if the democrats win nationally and locally, we will see a sea-change in the society and culture of the USA as we have now known it. Some changes are already happening. I do not think that either Seattle or Portland will return to the vitality and charm they had when I last visited in 2014. Not for a long time anyway. Sure, this is in part due to the ravages of the Corona pandemic. But I believe that much of the lasting damage is due to the misadministration of the liberal-Democrat controlled governing bodies in both cities.

Other cities already affected that will never be the same are Minneapolis and St. Louis. Arguments can be made about root causes and systemic racism, but underlying all of them is the decades of policies and administration of Liberal Democrats.

The worst case of all will be New York City. Thousands of wealthy people have permanently left in the last few months. They are looking for tax havens such as Florida and Texas. Broadway and the entire theater district will not re-open till July of 2021. Thousands of local service related businesses have or will soone wither away because of that alone. Large corporations have decided to reduce their physical footprint in the city by 30% to 60% or more. Vacant office space is higher now than ever before. The same is true for r apartments.

Again the causes are several-to-many. However, any of the economic ramifications of the pandemic have been exacerbated by liberal-Democrat policies such as taxation and the failure to maintain order. There are others. Anyone can run amok, looting and burning in the name of peacefully protesting what most do recognize as social injustice . . .but let a religious minority dare to hold services and the mayor sends in the police.

To come back to the premise of this thread: My criteria for voting this year is NOT who is the "better man" (Jimmy Carter was a better man than most of us for example), but rather what will the country look like by this time in 2024?

Will we be well on the way to being Venesuela or Cuba? Or will we be on the way to returning to the USA of December 2019? Originally Posted by ICU 812

ICU 812's Avatar

Oh that’s right. It won’t fall apart. It’ll go on just as it did when the Republicans took control and we had to deal with it. Or when the Democrats took over previously and you had to deal with it. And you get better healthcare as a consolation prize that you’ve tried for a decade to get rid of. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Ask anyone from Venezuela, now living in Florida, how that country became the Socialist Partadfise it currently is. My father-in-law came with is family in the 1930s. While he became a citizen, the rest of them went back and forth for the next sixty years or so. Prior to his death in 2010, he had sponsored many of them to enter (legally) and become citizens. They all have said that we are now going down that Socialist path.. . ..they were elected too.

Ask any Cuban-American what their family lost to the socialist government they have now, and you will get an ear full. A Democrat president let it happen. The later day parallels with a Democrat president and Russian aggression in Ukraine are tragic.

Ask any of my relatives on my father's side. He also came to the USA in the 1930s. About half the family in the old country survived labor camps in WW-II and later on the Soviet communist occupation. They say there was little difference. The now daily oppression of Jews in New York by the Democrat Governor and Mayor gives them nightmares, "See . . .THAT is how it starts!"

Believe me, if the Republicans lose badly, I won't be crying, going to a therapist, petting an emotional support dog . . . .or any of that other "snowflake" stuff. I'll just leave it at that.
Who Is The Better Man?
______________________________ __________
Many here seem dedicated to worshiping one or another of the Candidates .. .and others are devoted to trashing either of the candidates. Stop; step back and tik it all over.

This year, I do not think we are voting for or against either of these men. There are many disparaging things written about President Trump's character, integrity and ethics that i agree with. There are many disparaging things written about former Vice President Biden being equally unethical, misogynistic or perhaps even criminal. I mean all aspects of that statement to apply equally to both men. It is sad, but our system gives us those choices this year. In my view, neither one is a "better man." Originally Posted by ICU 812
I never vote for the "better man", I vote for the "best man for the job". Personally, I don't think I want a "good man" for president. I know a small handful of "good" people in my life, and while they're incredibly nice and well meaning, they lack the ability to roll up their sleeves, set their jaw, and do the dirty work when it needs to get done or make the hard decisions.

It is my opinion that if the democrats win nationally and locally, we will see a sea-change in the society and culture of the USA as we have now known it. Originally Posted by ICU 812
And I'll die before I let it happen.

Anyone can run amok, looting and burning in the name of peacefully protesting what most do recognize as social injustice . . .but let a religious minority dare to hold services and the mayor sends in the police. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Civility has, and always will be maintained with the tip or a blade or the barrel of a gun. People need to be the order they want to see and give no quarter to brigands, thieves, or despots and their jack booted thugs.

Will we be well on the way to being Venesuela or Cuba? Or will we be on the way to returning to the USA of December 2019 Originally Posted by ICU 812
The latter, and I bet my life on it.
ICU 812's Avatar
This year the choice is not who is the best man for the job. The choice is for our capitalist way of living or going down the Socialist road to become Venezuela.

Biden will be a figurehead at best. Already Speaker pelosi is floating legislation that will make it easier to replace him through the 25th Amendment. Within six months of any Biden inauguration, I expect6 he will resign, ". . .for reasons of health". This will leave only the socialists in charge of the Democrat Party.

We are not voting for or asgaionst either Biden or Trump. We are voting on the future of The United States.
When the Republicans lose badly, as they believe they will, you’ll just spend even more time on ECCIE whining with the rest of the Idiot Crew about how the US has become such a terrible place to live. And you’ll keep collecting your Social Security from your cousins basement.
  • Tiny
  • 10-17-2020, 02:28 PM
This year the choice is not who is the best man for the job. The choice is for our capitalist way of living or going down the Socialist road to become Venezuela.

Biden will be a figurehead at best. Already Speaker pelosi is floating legislation that will make it easier to replace him through the 25th Amendment. Within six months of any Biden inauguration, I expect6 he will resign, ". . .for reasons of health". This will leave only the socialists in charge of the Democrat Party.

We are not voting for or asgaionst either Biden or Trump. We are voting on the future of The United States. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Well, I'd encourage people to vote for their Republican Senatorial and Congressional candidates. That's what I'm doing.

A vote for president Trump is a vote to prolong a disease that's infecting the Republican Party. The sooner we get rid of it the sooner we can return to health and become competitive again.

And yes, you do have some valid points, although they're overstated. I'd compare what's likely to happen to us to what happened in the UK in the 1960's or Sweden in the 1970's and 1980's, and France more recently, before they wised up and got rid of the far left. However, if the AOC/Bernie Sanders wing takes control, all bets are off.

I'll be voting for Jo Jorgensen.
Vote out the lot of the republicans. Let them start over. They sold their souls to Trump, let them go down with him. Maybe the next generation of them will be worth 1/2 a damn.
  • Tiny
  • 10-17-2020, 04:55 PM
Vote out the lot of the republicans. Let them start over. They sold their souls to Trump, let them go down with him. Maybe the next generation of them will be worth 1/2 a damn. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The problem is that most politicians, Democrats and Republicans, have sold their souls. And some of the ones who were left, like Jeff Flake, were forced out of office because they didn't sell their souls.

I disagree. As some of us have discussed ad nauseum, we'll probably be better off if Republicans could keep at least the house or the Senate. Think about Bill Clinton's second term, when Republicans controlled Congress. That's the best period we've had in the last 30 years, in terms of governance at the federal level. I think Biden's instincts are a lot like Clinton's although admittedly he was pulled to the left during the primaries. He can work with Republicans.

If Republicans control the Senate during a Biden presidency, the national debt won't explode. And you won't see the filibuster done away with or the Supreme Court packed.

You might argue that those measures are justified given what's happened in the last 4 years. I'd argue that the filibuster adds stability, good sense and bipartisanship to American governance. And if Democrats end the filibuster and expand the court to 15 justices, then the next time Republicans control the presidency and Congress they'll continue to escalate this political arms race, which Harry Reid started in 2013 and Mitch McConnell escalated in 2016.