Ten Things Every Provider Should Know About their Clientele

Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Many years ago, on a board far away..... a gent posted this. I was so touched that I printed it and put it on my incall fridge, to help keep me inline. Since this is a new board, I would like to post it for the ladies as a resource. D.E.W.
Ten Things Every Provider Should Know About their Clientele

1. That seeing you is often times the highlight and/or Culmination of their day, week, or possibly even month.
2. That regardless of whether or not it’s their 1st visit or their 101st, there is always that teeny, bit of anxiety and boyish anticipation once on their way to see you. Always.
3. That once in session, your words spoken carry far more weight and have a much larger impact than you might imagine.
4. That the donation willfully and happily directed toward you could have easily been redirected toward another.
5. That you often times fill a void in someone’s life which stretches far beyond that of both the physical realm and the relatively short time period the two of you spend together in a session.
6. Real or imagined, expressed or not – you DO matter and DO make a difference to so many.
7. That upon seeing you, the memory and recollection of having had a great session makes “getting back to normal” that much easier and tolerable to so many.
8. That they elected to contact and see you based upon something positive and favorable that they either read or heard mentioned here or elsewhere.
9. That first-time customers are generally just as nervous as you are; regardless of whether or not they’ll admit to it or not. Possibly even more so?
10. That seldom are the intentions and expected outcome of a session one-sided. Many truly do care and have a genuine concern for both parties having an equally great time during the session.

These are but a few of the things that I feel the provider’s out there should know about their given clientele and chosen field of pursuit. Some of which they many very well have already known. But then again, some of which not?
Thanks for reposting that Dagny, it definitely is a keeper!
Thanks D.E.W

Very good info, and sweet of you to share it....
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I read this when you shared several months back on the old board. It's a gem. Thank you
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Very true.
I love it Dangy!! Thanks!
#9 is me, always on the first visit...
Yeah right, lookit REB tryin to play da sugah pimp! REB be bouts as nervous as Babe Ruth! As soons as REB walk in da door, he be thinkin to hisself, "Girl u no u fittin to be blasted wit da 9 pound hammer!"
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Now if we can get the girls of BP and CL to abide by these suggestions, life would be... Who am I kidding??? :-(
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-22-2010, 02:10 PM
I gotta print this out too!

Yeah right, lookit REB tryin to play da sugah pimp! REB be bouts as nervous as Babe Ruth! As soons as REB walk in da door, he be thinkin to hisself, "Girl u no u fittin to be blasted wit da 9 pound hammer!" Originally Posted by TGFBI
Yo BP dontz be blowin' my cova az da Sugah Pimp,,I'zz be workin' hard on dat fo yeers now.. now I'zz be havin' two think of da new plan.
Yep 1 - 10 - thanks ladies!
Metal Smith
Thanks Dagny
Thanks for reposting Miss D.E.W.......If I remember,that's a Scratch Golfer classic. There is so much truth and wisdom to it.
Next thang u no REB will be telling girls, "Why no baby, I would never come in your mouth!"