Unverified providers posting (mostly BP girls) Ladies and Gents chime in.

Mojojo's Avatar
Whats the deal with these BP girls joining and not taking the time to become verified providers? I for one feel as they are causing nothing but drama for the site with their idiotic post. . .yes that's right idiotic i said it. We have the our lovely verified ladies who have made the effort and earned their verified status, then we have the BP girls who jump on, place ads in the wrong section and don't even give a shit to read the rules or get verified. If they are not verified why are they allowed to post. I for one feel as if they should be banned for not taking the time to read the rules. Here is one perfect example:

This lady went ahead and posted an ad in the welcome section. . . wth! Whatever happened to the provider ads section? Fuck it lets just post anywhere.

Then there is this one:

Here's a crazy idea/solution, READ THE DAMN RULES!

Finally the drama:


Seriously guys wtf? A provider with no rep getting online to start some crap. Here is the full thread if your really interested in reading the bullshit

My suggestion is to ban them and delete their post. Allowing these unverified ladies to post ads is scary to me, LE can easily post an ad. Nothing is 100% safe but at least with verified ladies there is a bit of comfort.

So whats everyone else's opinion on this matter? Does anyone feel like I do?
notanewbie's Avatar
good post, it's bullshit and should not be tolerated. Why have different access if the board is a free for all? We get grief for questioning a few reviews and hooktards and some fucktards get to go nuts? Nice job mojo stirring up shit again .
No one said anything when razor got on here announcing his "utr" finds. Term to be used very loosely. So why shouldn't everyone have free reign?
blowpop's Avatar
Very good point.

No one said anything when razor got on here announcing his "utr" finds. Term to be used very loosely. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
LeftySmith's Avatar
I'm not going to single out any particular one, but I write them off as pimps creating accounts to push their bitches.

As far as Razor posting his UTRs, not the same. Razor seems to be a trusted member, well-known by the other gents here. As such his credibility is not in question. Not so for the newest posters.

At least that is my view. You are welcome to your own.
Thanks. Still remains the same though. Until tried,tested, and true you are suspect. Regardless who pushes you.
Allowing these unverified ladies to post ads is scary to me, LE can easily post an ad. Originally Posted by mojojo213
So don't call them. Problem solved, at least from your end.

No one said anything when razor got on here announcing his "utr" finds. Term to be used very loosely. So why shouldn't everyone have free reign? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Not quite the same thing as what the OP brought up, but I see your point.

I don't envy the Mods around here. Trying to walk the line between allowing members to have the freedom to share information while simultaneously enforcing the site rules (which are presumably designed to protect us all) can't be easy. They have to balance being draconian against letting shit slide with regards to who can post what and how often and what kind of information they can share. And they won't make everyone happy all the time.

Personally, I don't think the answer lies in asking them to do more about little shit that annoys us. I know I don't count on the Mods to cover my ass. I do that for myself.
Well said.
And what about me? Im technically unverified,and i will stay that way for a hot minute. I am sure one of my fans will verify me, but make some loop whole for Amy please.
We already have
St.Mateo's Avatar
A new registered provider that is waiting for verified status is allowed to post a thread in the welcome section and can place ONE time info about her. Once she has been granted verified access then she can utilize the rest of the forum.

Yes there are numerous instances of this going on and we are working to get it under control...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Well said. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
I call enderwiggin the voice of reason. He is a smart dude.
CivilBarrister's Avatar

Yes there are numerous instances of this going on and we are working to get it under control... Originally Posted by St.Mateo59

Trying to get control over providers makes me smile.

Good luck.
carkido45's Avatar
The real question iis Eccie becomming like BP ?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
The real question iis Eccie becomming like BP ? Originally Posted by carkido45
No, I don't think that is the question.

A number of BP ladies found this place and haven't figured out the rules for posting yet. I think once the staff sends out the standard "hello" emails, the BP girls will play by the rules (of be kicked off the Board)