What are you watching these days?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I try and balance my TV time with other more constructive activities, but I am a TV addict, and I have a few shows I just have to watch. Lost is one of my favorite shows, Fringe as Gman mentioned. One of the newer shows that I am watching is Men of a certain age, I like this one. Dollhouse, and the standards like Greys anatomy.

So what are you watching on the old flat screen?

gman45's Avatar
American Idol

LOL I too am all about the American Idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gman44's Avatar
American Idol
Fringe which is getting more interesting by every episode
Family Guy
The Simpsons
Malcolm in the Middle
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-22-2010, 08:01 PM
I usually put on random stuff in the afternoons, it varies from:

Top Gear
Star Trek (TNG and Voyager)
Family Guy
American Dad
Physics of the Impossible
King of the Hill
CSI (NY, Miami, Vegas)

That's off the top of my head anyways.. hehe
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-22-2010, 08:04 PM
My TV died last September, so I have not been able to see much. Sure hope I can get another one in time for...

missi hart's Avatar
big love, the simpsons, desperate housewives, nova, new adventures of old christine, parks & recreation, what not to wear. i also like disaster date on mtv.
Men of a certain age (Romano is great)
Hung (cracks me up)
Entourage (Wahlberg is greatness)
Ellen (I know I may lose my man card over this one, but my SO records this and we watch it most nights, Degeneres is funny as hell)
squiretuck's Avatar
Big Love when I can get HBO
Family Guy
American Dad
Venture Brothers
The Boondocks
Reno 911
Man vs. Wild
Deadliest Catch
Dirty Jobs
Law and Order SVU
Boston Legal
The Cleveland Show
Animal Cops
Those are the ones I can think of, but I don't watch TV much ( ha ) !!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
American Idol (only reality show I watch), 2 1/2 Men, Big Bang Theory, Castle, and college basketball.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
My current Tivo line-up

American Idol
So you think you can dance
Greys anatomy
Men of a certain age
Deadliest catch
Raising the Bar
Dark blue
gman45's Avatar
The Food Network

What can I say Ilike to Cook!!!!!
:looka round:
gman44's Avatar
Oh yeah I'm kind of in to House and Dollhouse too and also the crime show with Gary Sinese and also the one with Greg of Dharma and Greg