A Gentle reminder about verification......

Spikebaby's Avatar
Hi Gentlemen,

Just a gentle reminder to you guys about verification (I will try my very best to keep the cuss words to a minimum)

When you use a lady as a tool for your verification (which is perfectly fine with me and I am always happy to provide it) PLEASE make sure you know how that particular lady (raises her hand highly in the air and points at top of head) likes to be contacted. Each of us ladies have our particular choice of contact. Some of us choose not to advertise our phone number (<--------look to left to see name on avatar) and if you give out our phone number it really (breathe, breathe Jenna) PISSES ME OFF!

If a provider is willing and happy to provide a reference for you take the time to make sure you let someone know the best way to contact them. It is a simple courtesy. I am extending the courtesy to you and another lady because I believe in us all being safe and spreading the fun.....BUT please extend the same courtesy to me and the other ladies by respecting our privacy and choice of contact.

Discretion is something we need to keep vigilant about in this fun "hobby" world of ours

Now.....I am off to spank my monkey...poor guy is gonna get it today!

I couldn't agree more. I don't list my number and have almost never advertised it (in 7 years) for a reason. If I trust you with it…please keep it to yourself.
Thanks Doll. I just posted about this a couple of weeks ago!

We need to have drinks soon and catch up!
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I will not reply to a verification request through text or phone call. Personally, I believe contacting someone by email or PMs just seems to be the safest way to do verification. Its professional, discreet and respects the other persons time.
txhunter56's Avatar
Jenna, well said!

From a guy's perspective, it's important when writing a review or asking for a reference to ask the lady her policy on contact info. Putting a phone number in a review if she considers it confidential is asking for problems. Same for references. It's just basic common sense. If you don't know her policy on contact info, ask!!! She will appreciate you took the time to ask.

Some girls don't care whether their phone number is out there for everyone to see. Others, like spikebaby and reese expect you to be discreet with their phone number and possibly email too. Respect their wishes!!!
  • jwood
  • 04-27-2014, 07:42 PM
If her number is not on her profile, showcase or p411 profile, she probably doesn't want it given to anyone.
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar

pyramider's Avatar
Smoke signals work well. The monkey reads them and then flings poo.
I recently fucked this up. I gave info for a ref w/o checking the providers showcase. I just pulled the number out of my phone. I didn't make the connection that the number was probably given out after screening. Maybe a note in my phone. Perhaps an * next to the name means it's a confidential number.
When a lady is accepting a phone number from a hobbyist and *ASSUMES* that's the number of whoever-he-says-it-is, she's already dropped the ball LOL!

If a lady googles my name, she will never find a phone number. Yet every once in a while I get a call or text from a provider asking for a reference.

How do they know they haven't just called a policewoman? (the so-called hobbyist could be LE and have a woman answering the fake number) Or aren't texting the hobbyist himself on a spare phone?

There are only two providers who have my phone number. And they are two close friends who would recognize my voice. Any others who call me are screening in a half-baked manner.

I always goole a provider to get her correct email address as well. People have been known to create similar email addresses .
melannie_star's Avatar
I had recently went through this about a week ago with one of my regulars of 2 years. On top giving out my number, it was my personal line and not my business. Even though it was upsetting, it was not that big of a deal, I gave a good reference and advised him, I was going to kick his butt when I saw him ..LOL. Needless to say, I saw him a few days later and made good on my revenge. Angry s*x is the best!!

But yes.. guys, if a lady states on her profile to pm where contact info should be. That means she does not want her number given out. Just a friendly reminder
Here's a simple non time consuming way to do this..

Go under your profile and write a little note for yourself that you can just copy and paste when you have to screen. Then you don't have to always look up the info for the ladies and how they prefer to be contacted.

I know it's annoying to always type the same thing over and over and over...... I have a few copy & paste notes for various situations. It definitely helps to make things easy and painless.
I believe jwood pretty much nailed it.
I feel ya, ladies.

Ten years ago a post like this would have had some impact.

Not so much anymore.

All the guys do at EccieMart is look for the rolled back prices.
doug_dfw's Avatar
A note to the ladies. Remember you are dealing with hobbyists 95% of whom deal with two heads. One works all the time; the other on occasion which generally is for making money. Maturity brings them into 5% who generally uses the top head more often. That is obvious in the comments by the hobbyists to this point in the thread.