A Little Bit of Wine... But I do believe

If you have a good provider, that makes your day! That remembers everything about you that you want her to know, that never saves your number to call you when she is broke, that listens when your stressed on the phone even when your not paying her.......... treasure her and make her feel that she is making a difference.

Girls get into the business for a variety of reasons
A- they need money
B- they have a pimp that needs money
C- drugs
D- the rare few that love what they do and truely take pride in it.

I have been in the business for many years (all aspects) and stayed because I knew that as a good provider I would make someone happy (usually the wife cause the husband left trained) but also it was fullfilling for me too (no i NEVER fake Orgasm) Sex and orgasm are healing vibrations.... I ask people everyday how many orgasms a week do they have..........

Off my band wagon now.... I know this is a hobbists board........ but sex, sensuality and orgasm are a true art........... If your not screamin you haven't got there

Many Blessings
Mature Companion's Avatar
I some small way. Regardless of how/what/when or where. Women make a difference in mens lives. Embrace it. Enjoy it. And never stop being you!
A good reason to see a very few good regulars, They will tell when it's time visit the candy store for some new ideas.
You know, if you can get paid doing what you enjoy, I think your life is pretty good. Sitting in a cube farm making 6 figures while you try to get yesterday's work done so you can start on today's can suck. Making 15 sitting near a lake checking on some of the most beautiful birds in the world (bald eagles) can be divine.