Just in time for 2016 Election - "Hillary: The Miniseries"

Here is NBC's latest dreck:


And Diane Lane will play Hillary.

OF COURSE, she will.

Because every time I see Hillary, I think "Damn, she's hot. Just like Diane Lane."
JCM800's Avatar
yeah, who doesn't think of Hillary Clinton when they see Diane Lane?

yeah, who doesn't think of Hillary Clinton when they see Diane Lane?

Originally Posted by JCM800
Diane Lane is the epitome of a beautiful older woman.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am sure that NBC will be quite fair with the subject just like they were in the biopics of Henry Kissinger and Warren Christopher.
You gotta be shittin me.

I guess Janeane Garofalo wasn't available.

I bet who ever the makeup artist is will automatically be up for an academy award. Can you imagine the skills involved in making Diane Lang look as ugly as Hillary.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 07-28-2013, 04:21 PM
Roseann Barr could have done an admirable job.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Yep, a spitting...gagging image
Diane Lane will play the young Hillary, the one on the Nixon Hearing panel - the Hot Hillary.
Diane Lane will play the young Hillary, the one on the Nixon Hearing panel - the Hot Hillary. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
You lie... she's always been FUGLY...
Diane Lane will play the young Hillary, the one on the Nixon Hearing panel - the Hot Hillary. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
There never was a hot Hillary.

Also, Hillary was a 20-something when she was on the impeachment panel. Diane Lane is late 40s or early 50s. So, no, Diane won't be playing the young Hillary, either.
JCM800's Avatar
Diane Lane will play the young Hillary, the one on the Nixon Hearing panel - the Hot Hillary. Originally Posted by Stanfeld
here's that young hottie for ya.......

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I thought it would be on Law and Order, for all the crimes and murders involving Hillary
here's that young hottie for ya.......

Originally Posted by JCM800
She looks like Bill was Donkey Punching her back then.
Take the glasses off, muss her hair a bit, open two buttons of her blouse - voilą, Diane Lane
Diane Lane just became unattractive. She is dead to me.