I am curious if any men over the age of 55 have gotten the HPV vaccine? If so, where? I want to get it as an added protection. To my knowledge, I don't have HPV and have never been exposed sexually. After a recent trip to Rick's, I want to take an extra precaution to avoid bringing anything home to the SO. She was a virgin when we met and has not been with anyone other than me, so I would like to keep her as protected as possible. We have a don't ask/don't tell now that she has essentially lost interest. There are times when she will be really hungry for sex and then we will go months between intimacy. We happen to be in a good period right now with a lot of sex, but it is just a matter of time until that shuts down again.
TMI... anyway, where can you get the vaccine in an anonymous way and will they even give it to some old dude like me??