Senator Diane Feinstein Finally Retires

This episode of “Week End At Bernie’s” has ended.

Get ready for “Adam Schiff, US Senator”.
HoHound's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It was time but another liberal Democrat will take her place.
eyecu2's Avatar
It was time but another liberal Democrat will take her place. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And likely a young one too. You know them sneeky dems; always culling the herd to keep their grip on politics by puttin in fresh smiling liberal lefty faces. RIP Feinstein, the show must go on.
“Pencil Neck” Schiff wants to be Senator.
Newsom has kinda pledged the job to a black woman.

Let them run their own show.

The only two things carved in stone is it will be a liberal Democrat.
And it won’t be a conservative Republican.
Budman's Avatar
All Schiffty has to do is identify as a black lesbo. Problem solved.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
" . . .ask n not for whom the bell tolls . . ."
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Duh! The obvious replacement choice is a black, female, lesbian, that is an ultra pro-abortion activist, from Maryland to replace the Fienstien from KKKomifornia. It's a no-brainer to futt-buck the KKKomifornians that are dumb enough to remain behind and they deserve no better.
Duh! The obvious replacement choice is a black, female, lesbian, that is an ultra pro-abortion activist, from Maryland to replace the Fienstien from KKKomifornia. It's a no-brainer to futt-buck the KKKomifornians that are dumb enough to remain behind and they deserve no better. Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
Remember when Hillary got elected Senator from New York.
She did’t even live there until filing.

I’m jus glad that Newsome picked a person who is representative of the majority of Americans.
... Well, he kept his word... Then when the seat comes up again
the woman can move on to another job and Schiff can run for
the seat.

This was all surely arranged in-advance there, mates.
Nobody should be surprised.

#### Salty
FesteredUncle's Avatar
The bonafides:
- black
- female
- lesbian
- ultra pro-abortion activist

I have not reviewed the qualifications for a Senator in some time. I know the US Constitution is minimalistic there. I can see the billboards now: Vote for What's-her-Futs because she is the qualified black, female, lesbian, that is an ultra pro-abortion activist that KKomiefornia needs! DEI to DIE for!

On the upside; it is rather obvious that she will not be creating a cold-fusion reactor anytime soon and will not be stopping the exodus from the state.