NEW Movie Trivia Question

boomer49's Avatar
In which movie is the line, "Play it again, Sam" spoken?
speeedracer's Avatar
wasn't it just 'play it, sam'?
boomer49's Avatar
I'm impressed (not that that means anything). You're right, we have a winner!

The correct answer is "none". The line, "Play it again, Sam" was never spoken in Casablanca (although it is the title of one of Woody Allen's early movies, and a good one at that).

Rick Blaine did in fact say, "Play it, Sam."
boomer49's Avatar
OK, one last movie trivia question from me. This one isn't a trick question.

In which movie is the final line, "Well, nobody's perfect"?

This one is kinda easy. After it's answered, maybe someone else will want to throw one out there. If no one does, I'll ask harder questions
ummmm..this is a cool lil game...
suggestions through.. can u maybe ask questions about cartoon movies and/horror flicks/and of course movies where things are constantly getting blown up....
those are easier for me to answer..cuz ima dork like that see..
boomer49's Avatar
Yippie-kigh-yo-kigh-yay motherfucker

I don't own this thread, it would be great if others asked questions, too. My only suggestion would be to wait until the current question is answered before asking a new one or we'll all go nuts lol.
boomer49's Avatar
Here's a hint regarding the current question -- it's one of Marilyn's most memorable movies.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Here's a hint regarding the current question -- it's one of Marilyn's most memorable movies. Originally Posted by boomer49
"Some like it Hot" with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis.
The Line is spoken at the end TO Jack lemmon by Osgood Fielding (Joe Brown) when Jerry is trying to tell him why they can't get married. Billy Wilder made some GREAT fucking movies!!! Boo-Boop-Bee-Doo !

The Yiipiie ki-yay quote is too easy---Die Hard -Bruce Willis-'John McClaine'

Loki Pk's Avatar
Ok, here is an easy one...

" Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly, pal!"


boomer49's Avatar
Some Like It Hot it is! Billy Wilder is, hands down, my favorite filmmaker. I really don't know the answer to yours, but I'm not afraid to look foolish making incorrect guesses, so I'm gonna guess... One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The only other movie I can think of that could conceivably fit is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

I see two buzzers in my future
boomer49's Avatar
P.S. Hottest footage ever put on film -- the camera following Marilyn from behind as she walks next to the boarding train, the steam suggestively following her steps. Perfection!
boomer49's Avatar
Just Googled it, I couldn'ta been wronger!

Oh, well.
boomer49's Avatar
And that's really the only rule of the game, no googling, no IMDbing to answer the question. Feel free to look silly. I did! And I'm proud of it. Well, maybe proud is pushing it.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Same movie--- extra quote as a hint.

"Are they built for speed or comfort? What'd you do with them? Motorboat? You play the motorboat? Plllbbbffftt Plllfffbbbttt !!! You motorboatin' son of a bitch! You old sailor you!"

I love the whole first half of this movie....then downhill it goes. But the first half is funny a hell!!!

Autumn Bolan's Avatar
The Wedding Crashers. Vince Vaughn is great in that movie!