My Hobby Experiences....

kittyfishin's Avatar
hey all

now i know this might sound like a bitching session, but believe me, its not.
Ive been checkin out this hobby thing for bout 4 yrs...but ive only had one experience. as ive stated in previous posts it was not a good i veered away for a bit while still lookin around i guess to see wuts out there. i came across a lady on these boards a couple months ago that i was, and still am, interested in. absolutely gorgeous, bangin body, excellent reviews (atleast 10 on here), and sweet as can be...just the overall perfect lady. send her a pm lil while back just to introduce myself and to see if she is willing to see me. good response, and im really excited bout seein her once things slowed down around the holidays. told her late nov. would b great and she said just lemme know find the time last week to do this and i pm her back and get a for sure for that night. call her lil later and we chit chat, pick a time, and tell her how to get to my place. dude im stoked right bout now, ive wanted this lady for awhile and cant wait to open my door and see this knockout. the said time comes and goes, so i think, its cool she just runnin a lil late, no worries. couple mins later she calls back, sweeeeet, she missed the tricky turn and turns back, gets to my gated community while im on the phone wit her and then......nada.....not answerin phone, not answerin text, or pm....well shit...she pmd lil later that mornin and said her phone died and she went a couple places to find one with no success so she went home. she did apalogize and said she could come back but for real it was like 1 in the morn and im not gonna ask her to drive all the back out here that late, especially when she states on here that she goes til midnight. maybe my bad on that but it was outta respect for her incase she had stuff to do the next day.

i felt horrible, she was RIGHT THERE>>>, and we still couldnt make this happen. so i try later on the next day to set sumthin up that her, no response, call her and leave message, no response...even let her know this was prolly gonna b the last time for a lil while i would have the time to do anything. and still nothing to this day, now i know ppl r busy, especially round tis the season time, maybe im old fashioned, but i would think a response would b in order.
and believe me i hope we get to meet one of these days in the future cuz im not giving up that easy, especially when i hear she is such a quality and just all around amazing lady. also, i gotta hear her voice again, most beautiful voice ive ever heard...also that voice screaming my name...hehe
im not gonna put out the ladys name cuz i think this was just a fluke and i dont wanna hinder any of her business. and if this lady reads this, u dont have to respond to this if u dont want...u can pm me if u so desire.

now im not pissed, upset, or anything like that...just kinda wanted to throw this out there to anyone who cares to read it and get sum responses from others that have more experience at this hobby than i do

thanks for ur time and keep fishin
rcg001's Avatar
These things sometime happen and in my opinion, it is probably best to see someone else. If she is not replying to you after a day or so then she may be pissed at you for canceling while forgetting that she was the one that was late. There are a lot of providers out there. Check the showcases for your area and try again after doing a lot of research.
Without knowing who it is, it's hard to give advice on whether you should stick with it or move on.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 12-05-2010, 10:23 AM
It happens! However, reputed ladies from eccie are very trustworthy. I have realised that they are sweet and smart and just real! My advise is not to go with BP & the pimps... Scary world... Stay with eccie and trust your gut.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Just from reading your post, you seem too eager. Perhaps you've scared her off? Regardless, the ball is in her court now. Stop contacting her. Stop posting of your undying love and her unsurpassed beauty (ok, that's hyperbole, but that is how your post reads to me). She's an escort youve never even met and you're paying her to perform a service. If she gets back to you, then taking it from there. Otherwise, move on.
kittyfishin's Avatar
it wasnt that deep was it? really? well wutever, maybe im a poet and didnt even know
anywho preciate the responses, ill let it go and in a few months when i have the time again ill give her a buzz. if it works all the better, if not i can take a hint...

thanks again
Red Tex's Avatar
Can you please learn to type?

How hard is it to CAPITALIZE the first word in a sentence?

Why must people use text words "wutever, preciate, sum(not a number from addition), b, cuz"?

I will get off of my high horse now.
pmdelites's Avatar
red tex,

while i appreciate your point of view, just cos you think it is not hard do capitalize the first word in a sentence does NOT mean that everyone should do it. plus, there is a big difference between capitalization and spelling.

some like to write all upper, some all lower, some mixed, some here there and everywhere.

Thank you RedTex. I always strive to conform to the style of composition that I was taught in public and secondary schools, (granted this was in the 60's through the '80's), because it shows a respect for the reader. Frequently when I try to decipher posts like the one of the OP here, I surmise that it was written by a youngster with limited intelligence and who is likely socially inept. Not a rule of course, just my personal feeling.

There is a reason for punctuation, the rules of syntax, capitalization and spelling. These are standards which have evolved that help us all to interpret, enjoy and learn from the written word. This goofball manner of writing which we see all too frequently on the board has its genesis in the deemphasis of grammar in recent school curricula and the advent of electronic communication such as a quick email or a phone text. Fine, use it for that.

I'm not saying that this is inherently bad, just that it belongs in its place. If someone is going to expend the time to write a complete paragraph or something lengthier, he owes it to his readers to follow accepted rules of structure and grammar if for nothing more than common politeness.
Thank you RedTex. I always strive to conform to the style of composition that I was taught in public and secondary schools, (granted this was in the 60's through the '80's), because it shows a respect for the reader. Frequently when I try to decipher posts like the one of the OP here, I surmise that it was written by a youngster with limited intelligence and who is likely socially inept. Not a rule of course, just my personal feeling.

There is a reason for punctuation, the rules of syntax, capitalization and spelling. These are standards which have evolved that help us all to interpret, enjoy and learn from the written word. This goofball manner of writing which we see all too frequently on the board has its genesis in the deemphasis of grammar in recent school curricula and the advent of electronic communication such as a quick email or a phone text. Fine, use it for that.

I'm not saying that this is inherently bad, just that it belongs in its place. If someone is going to expend the time to write a complete paragraph or something lengthier, he owes it to his readers to follow accepted rules of structure and grammar if for nothing more than common politeness. Originally Posted by budrn

AMEN! It could be argued however, that the board is a more casual forum, hence the casual writing style prevalent today would be acceptable.

I have hired and coached more than one bright young college grad, who have the skills and intelligence to write properly, yet they revert to casual format because it's what they're used to.

Sadly though, your observation is correct. At first glance, that typing/writing style yields the perception of an individual with less than average intelligence.
kittyfishin's Avatar
to each his own...a simple response to the thread would have been better tho. times sure have changed since ur u couldnt screw ur teacher back then to pass ur english class....u actually had to "learn correct grammer".
sky_wire's Avatar
Maybe you need to communicate more clearly. Do you talk the same way you write?
Thank you RedTex. I always strive to conform to the style of composition that I was taught in public and secondary schools, (granted this was in the 60's through the '80's), because it shows a respect for the reader. Frequently when I try to decipher posts like the one of the OP here, I surmise that it was written by a youngster with limited intelligence and who is likely socially inept. Not a rule of course, just my personal feeling.
. Originally Posted by budrn
Budrn, your thoughts aptly illustrated below!

to each his own...a simple response to the thread would have been better tho. times sure have changed since ur u couldnt screw ur teacher back then to pass ur english class....u actually had to "learn correct grammer". Originally Posted by kittyfishin
Sum times eye am just knot sure watt pee pole are thinking...
kittyfishin's Avatar
depends on who im talkin not on the clock 24/7...besides, doesnt it say in the rules of coed discussions to stay on topic? yall are way off in left field...

mods can u close this thread...most responses have nothing to do with the original topic...thank you to the ones who did respond to help with the issue at hand.