ECCIE Premium or P411?

So I'm going to pay up for one or the other.

Need opinions on what's the better value?

E-Prem gets a locker room and review details, right?

Does P411 access have reviews? Any other benefits besides a form of "pre=screening?

Thanks in advance.
ANONONE's Avatar
I pay $$ for P411. It's like a passport for the ladies.

I get my premium access at ECCIE by posting reviews. P411 does not have's a totally different concept. It serves as a screening agent for the ladies. Some ladies belong; some don't. However, most ladies will take P411, even if they don't belong. They somehow get the info. Once you've seen a lady on P411, she can give you an "OK" which serves as a permanent reference from a reputable provider. Most ladies who have reviews place links to them on P411.

IMHO, P411 is the easiest way to stay anonymous and still play. If you don't have P411, most providers want real ID.
andy1628's Avatar
So I'm going to pay up for one or the other. Can't do both.

Need opinions on what's the better value?

E-Prem gets a locker room and review details, right?

Does P411 access have reviews? Any other benefits besides a form of "pre=screening?

Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung

I am a newbie to this just like you and asked the same question not long ago!. The following is my recent experience.

ECCIE is good for "Hunting", from here you can find the provider you really want to see. Even if you pm a provider here and you are PA member, it doesn't means she will automatically want to see you. Because she doesn't know you at all. This is a public forum. Any one has Internet access and pay $25 can become a PA member. If you are not "Verified" by Preferred411 or Date-Check, she may not want to see you if you don't have other providers' reference. Furthermore if you join and as pay member of either Preferred 411 or Date-Check but you still don't have any reference from their member providers. (at least one) A respective provider still may not want to see you.

It is like Chicken and Egg: which one come first? You may ask if a provider does not want to see me, how can I get reference for other providers? And what is the use of being a member of Preferred411 or Date-Check?

Well, my experience is: first joint at least one of the Screening site, either Preferred411 or Date-Check and find a provider in the site that is Newbie friendly. In which case she will not ask for Basic + 1 or more.( that means you need to be a member and has one or more reference from provider). She may need to ask you more personal questions and even your real name etc. Different providers will have different way to do it. All the provider wants is to make sure you are not LE and you are not a psycho. And most likely the first time she meet you, she will be very careful in a way she feel comfortable.

Once you meet with your first provider, every thing will be a lot easier. If you are in with Preferred411, you can use you first provider as your basic + 1. And a lot of provider will meet you if you have basic + 1. After you meet with the second one, you will have basic + 2 and most provider will like to meet with you. And the same theory apply to Date-Check too.

The only different between Preferred411 and Date-Check is pricing. Check the site and you could compare the pricing yourself. One common thing about these two screening site is : if you are a frequent hobbyist, you don't need to pay to stay being a member. All you need is the reference of provider you met. Each provider's reference will give you a 3 months free membership. That means if you hobby more than once every three months, you can be a member for life "free" until your "Junior" call a quit on you.

Hope these will help!
If you can't afford both, can you afford being in the hobby?
Thanks Andy, detailed reply.

Guess I should have clarified, I've been in the hobby for years, have many ladies I can use for reffs. Used to pay for BCD at ASPD, cause I only wrote reviews a few times a year.

So with the 10/month I used to pay ASPD, was wondering best way to direct those $$ now. Sounds like E=Prem is the way I should go, I thought P411 might have reviews, guess not.

And YES, I CAN afford both, just choose not to. Pardon initial post saying CANT do both...
andy1628's Avatar
Thanks Andy, detailed reply.

Guess I should have clarified, I've been in the hobby for years, have many ladies I can use for reffs. Used to pay for BCD at ASPD, cause I only wrote reviews a few times a year.

So with the 10/month I used to pay ASPD, was wondering best way to direct those $$ now. Sounds like E=Prem is the way I should go, I thought P411 might have reviews, guess not.

And YES, I CAN afford both, just choose not to. Pardon initial post saying CANT do both... Originally Posted by Lang Sicherung
Sorry for treating you like a newbie like me. Anyway I misunderstand your question. IMHO is since you are an experience hobbyist and you should have a lot of providers that can give you reference. You really don't need Preferred411. ECCIE is all you need. Even if you want to have Preferred411, if you had meet providers that is member of the site, it will cost you nothing to become a verified member. All you need to do is have them vouch for you.
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-04-2010, 10:25 PM
Well becoming a member here helps pay the bills
Guest022210's Avatar
I like ECCIE because there are other benefits like Forums,PMs Etc. Nice community feel. I have never joined a service like P411 or Datecheck because I can't stand the idea of having to pay someone money so I pay someone else money. If a provider cant accept the references I have, I can get along without her. I would rather spend the money on a provider that doesnt require P411. I think I get the most bang for my buck on ECCIE. I'll dance with the one that brung me.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
IMHO, P411 is the easiest way to stay anonymous and still play. If you don't have P411, most providers want real ID. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Date-Check is just as easy in my experience, and provides many if not all of the same advantages (permanent references in a convenient place for a provider to check them). I found it so convenient that I sprang for a life membership there. I don't think P411 provides that option (if they do, I might consider springing for that). I'll probably get around to paying for my P411 (right now I'm on the six-month freebie courtesy of a provider in St. Louis that I spent a delightful time with last spring) as things sort themselves out. It seemed that P411 was more popular with ASPD ladies than Date-Check, though most of the ladies on my "primary list" (providers I most want to see) take both.

I'll also get around to purchasing Premium Access here (I was paid BCD at ASPD for a number of years, until my financial shit hit the fan); I may even just bite the bullet and spring for lifetime PA here (it'd save money over the long run). It's just a matter of getting all my ducks in a row.


bluffcityguy's Avatar
I like ECCIE because there are other benefits like Forums,PMs Etc. Nice community feel. I have never joined a service like P411 or Datecheck because I can't stand the idea of having to pay someone money so I pay someone else money. If a provider cant accept the references I have, I can get along without her. I would rather spend the money on a provider that doesnt require P411. I think I get the most bang for my buck on ECCIE. I'll dance with the one that brung me. Originally Posted by Lookin4
To my mind, the big advantage to Date-Check (and also P411) is that the references are "permanent". Even when I'm actively hobbying, I'm not hobbying that much (certainly not enough to retain Premium Access here by writing reviews). I don't know about P411 (since I've not been a member there long enough yet), but Date-Check references remain good even after the provider who gives them has retired (and I'm sorry to say a provider or two who's given me a reference there has since retired), and Date-Check references tend to stay "fresh" indefinitely (i.e., a reference from a year or more ago are very often still good), whereas I've noticed a fair number of providers who require "fresh" references for screening (i.e., a reference from a provider you've seen in the last six months or so).

I'm not arguing with your reasons for not joining such a service; pointing out that for those of us unfortunates who can't afford to hobby regularly* there are advantages to belonging.



* Let's not bring up the question of "if I can't afford to hobby regularly can I afford to hobby at all?" To be blunt, if I don't pay for sex I can't seem to get it at all, and I'm not willing to give it up completely. So there.
Guest022210's Avatar
Well said,Bluff,sex is like hemodialysis,you can get along without,but not for
From a provider standpoint, p411. Especially if you travel or want to see traveling talent. Just my opinion and my experience, but screening you guys can sometimes be a major pain in the ass. Clients have to be screened fpr a p411 account and girls have to be legit to join.

I get a request from p411, check the handle, there's all his references - sites email everything. I mail them "You ok'd so&so". They mail me back. As opposed to the pulling teeth approach. Love p411. And oh yeah, fill out the bio questionnaire parts, we like that.
Yeah I think you definitely have to get P411 if you travel alot. This would be almost the only way I would see someone from out of town. But if you don't, have you have local references, then u have no need for it.
Guest022210's Avatar
Yeah I think you definitely have to get P411 if you travel alot. This would be almost the only way I would see someone from out of town. But if you don't, have you have local references, then u have no need for it. Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Out of towners are nice, but I really like my ladies homegrown