Added Security or Paranoia?

I thought I would share this cautionary tale that comes from a friend on the west coast. He has been "hobbying" for much longer than we have had that term for it- but these days has 2 regulars he sees. He is the kind of guy that would see established women who are mostly if not completely UTR. He is a wealthy public figure so is also very cautious.

When texting became part of the standard hobby communication, he had an arrangement with the ladies he visited. He would text from a block or two away and wait for a return welcome or room number- but there was also to be a pre-arranged code word. Something completely random. His agreement was that no code word meant that either something was amiss or that someone else had her phone- and he would not arrive for the appointment. I tend to be very cautious but even I thought this was over the top. His response: "Just cause I am paranoid does not mean they are not out to get me."

About two weeks ago, he sent his text as usual a couple of blocks from his ATF's incall. The message came back "Come on in, handsome. I am ready for you." But no code word. He left the area without even doing a drive by. The next day, the local paper featured the arrest for prostitution and there was his ATF's picture. Evidently the police were there and used her phone to return the text hoping to get a "two-fer". I would have thought that it would be against the rules.

I tend to be VERY cautious and only recently have I been willing to play close to home. But this makes me want to climb back in my paranoid shell.

What do you think? A good idea for an added layer of security or over the top paranoia?
It's hard to argue against any precaution that keeps you off the front page of the newspapers. Its a good strategy I say. Thanks for sharing.
As hobbyists and providers, complacency is a big mistake. A healthy level of paranoia keeps us safe... IMO, there is no such thing as "too careful!"

I personally love the idea!
pyramider's Avatar
Just paranoia ...
In the hobby, paranoia is a virtue.
sovanna's Avatar
I say paranoia.
There is a saying...only the paranoid survive.

Settling down to a few trusted friends seems smart. Ginger...when are you moving back to Central AR?
There is a saying...only the paranoid survive.

Settling down to a few trusted friends seems smart. Ginger...when are you moving back to Central AR? Originally Posted by Flyboy182
Well, Flyboy... I could tell you...but then I'd have to kill you.

Kidding...only kidding.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Depends on the state if it would be legal or not. I have heard of one state that actually will let the cop get naked if he has to in order to make a bust. Many more will skirt around laws to get a bust. And in his case they could always make the argument he knew who he was texting and the reason ect which would support their actions in sending the message they sent.