Not even Biden thinks mask mandates are necessary

Not even Biden thinks mask mandates are necessary

Not a single government official truly believes that continued coronavirus restrictions are necessary — not even the president of the United States.

President Joe Biden was seen walking through a ritzy Washington, D.C., restaurant maskless over the weekend, in direct violation of the district’s mask mandate, which hasn't even been respected by its own author, Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Biden won’t face a single consequence for his negligence because, as we’ve learned over and over again this past year and a half, the only people who are required to follow the rules are the people who aren’t important enough to break them. Biden did not have to wear a mask, but his Secret Service agents did. Celebrities at the Met Gala didn’t have to wear masks, but the servers who waited on their tables did. A-list actors at the Emmy Awards ceremony didn’t have to wear masks, but the photographers taking their pictures did.

If the president can’t be bothered to abide by D.C.’s restrictions, why should anyone else?