A question that I've never asked a man before ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
How does it feel when you orgasm?

I know how it feels when I orgasm and when my female friends share with me how they feel afterwards, it does seem fairly similar.

But with men, how do you feel when it happens? Is this question too difficult to answer?

Is there really not an explanation? Can you put how you feel before, during and afterwards for us?

Would sincerely like to hear your thoughts.

Very interesting question. I can only answer for myself in that in comparison to a woman which has been described as a series of waves of pleasure, that a man's orgasm is much shorter and very intense. 5 or 6 spasms and contractions. I believe the fact that the french translation of orgasm is "little death" is very appropriate.

Immediately after the orgasm there is still that sensitivity that women often feel in that further stimulation is almost painful at times.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Do you ever feel a swirl of feelings, in the middle of orgasming, that is indescribable? Do you melt? I think that women feel "melty" after they orgasm and during.

Not sure that men do.
While the male orgasm is simple to spot women have such more complex variations of orgasim. http://blog.modernmechanix.com/the-meaning-of-orgasm/.

For me its a release of tension, a flood of endorphins to brings that "feel good' feeling. A release of energy that can leave me completly drained.

But if you tried to expalin how an orgasim makes a woman feel, we men would have no real comprehension as we don't have the same plumbing or emotional connection. The biggest difference is there is a biological use in the male so as to encourgage him to procreate. There is no such need for those feelings in a woman from a biology standpoint.

I see no way to explain how it feels to me. Its like explaning the color green to a blind person. I can give you a list of the physical characteristics but you would still not really know what it is.

One of those mysteries between the sexes that may never be fully understood. I think God, in his wisdom, gave women the ability to O so that as we moved beyond the need for sex simply for procreation a man & woman would be able to form a deeper bond.

La petite mort, French for "the little death", is an idiom and euphemism for orgasm. The actual origin of the word is Greek.

Good luck in your quest for understanding :-)
nonfatmetal's Avatar
It depends on how it is induced. Vaginally, for me it feels very intense around the head of the penis and an intense yearning to force my "seed" into the woman. It is almost like one solid electrical jolt that travels through the body and out through the penis. When complete i can keep going until my hard on goes down.

During bbbj or hand job there is the same jolt but less of a insisitance to it. The head is still intense and after orgasm it gets too intense to stimulate the head and the bbbj or hand job has to stop.

I also think different hormones are released during male orgasms that cause drowsiness and i know it takes longer for us to have multiples.
Tom_Cat's Avatar
The physical feeling and reaction are different than the mental feeling and reaction...

Melting only happens sometimes, if you have a simultaneous orgasm. You feel like you are melting
together into the other person's soul.

If the timing isn't right, and you orgasm separately, it feels as if for a moment you step
out of your body, like you loose consciousness and enter a realm of ecstasy... euphoria...
then wham, your back in your body.

So, Elisabeth, I would say no swirls or waves, but yes, sometimes it does feel like you are melting...
TheWanderer's Avatar
It is a feeling akin to a soothing electrical release of energy that travels through the body and then the brain that is almost cosmic in nature. It leaves me with good bumps on my legs and I always feel like I'm catching my breath and being given oxygen at the same time. Then a simultaneous and a very euphoric high that's like a wave of elation and relaxation.
That description still doesn't fully define it. I'm not sure there are words that can translate the feeling. It's almost an out-of-body sensation.
What a gift....
TexasDave555's Avatar
Physical sensation depends on how long its been, how turned on I am and how long we have messed around prior to release. All are awesome but here is a break down....

Low intensity - My taint tingles and I get a feeling similar to holding in a good piss, I feel a little 'pressure' building and my dick gets more sensitive and feels like its swelling then the nerve endings take off on the tip and underside and I feel every friction sensation as it moves in and out (or tongue if its oral) all that builds and then it peaks and out it goes.

Medium intensity - Feels are the same as above, but my whole dick tingles I get a feeling of sensation tingles at the base of my spine, lower back as it builds then lets go.

High Intensity - All of the above, but I actually get the sensations all up my spine, the back of my neck and down my legs to my toes. This is a full body orgasm I guess.... but I can actually feel the load building and gathering, the pressure sensation around the taint and nuts and into my prostate is pretty intense (no pain at all just similar having it milked during a good BJ). When that one lets go I can feel the full load coming all the way from my nuts and a feeling I can only call a pressure wash flush as I cum.

The low intensity ones are more common and feel great.. the medium even better and I need a few moments until I am ready to pull out. The high intensity I will linger, continuing slow thrusts and shivering as I come down off that high. These happen often but not as often as I would like I usually need a good 5 mins or so until I am back on earth with these but they do leave me drained sexually.. I rarely am able to go again after one of these where I can get 2 out of the others in a 2-3hr session.
aRandyOne's Avatar
how do you feel when it happens? Is this question too difficult to answer? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
The after glow has a rush of oxytocin induced emotions that really make me attached to the woman I am with. This is when I get goofy and ruin it by saying something like the L word.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I would call it a warm, wet tickle...or even a tingle, that intensifies as it works its way up the shaft. I like to call it, the Velvet Tingle. Oh, man, does that feel good. No feeling in the world can match it. Sometimes it's way more intense than others, and even borderline uncomfortable, but still a good feeling. Nerves are freaking out, muscles convulsing. It's just awesome.

Nothing like it.
B.Wayne's Avatar
It kind of depends on how much it has been built up. But for me that only affects the intensity. It's all good all the time. But it's the best when it's built up. It's like a sneeze for me. I can't have one and keep my eyes open. Total Euphoria. Attraction level plays another part too. It's like a tingle that starts at ground zero then travels up and it sets my brain on fire. I don't get loud. I don't think I can be.

Afterwards sometimes my legs get shakey, and I guess the the best way to describe it is a satisfied feeling.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
2 different kinds for me. From vaginal sex its like an electric energy being released with 6 or 7 powerful quick pulses and a feeling of butterflys in the pit of my stomach that lasts for maybe 10 seconds.

Oral sex is a whole different animal. Instead of pulses, it is more like an intense quiver that is riding on a wave, with highs and lows. Lasts much longer, maybe 30 seconds, and its a much more total body experience with twitching all over and not as isolated to just my lower body.

But afterwards they aren't different. I am probably the odd ball here but I don't feel a need or even want to cuddle or lay around and whisper sweet nothings in eachothers ears. In hobby or real life alike. When I'm done, I'm done. It probably works out better for me in the hobby that way. Not so much in real life, I have always felt a detachment afterwards, don't know why???
Reading some of the responses from you guys is actually making me kinda horny!

I like this thread,...how insightful...
ManSlut's Avatar
Reading some of the responses from you guys is actually making me kinda horny!

I like this thread,...how insightful... Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Sorry to sidetrack this thread but DAMN brownsugarbaby, I fuckin' LOVE your new showcase pics!!

Sorry, screwed this up twice trying to amend it.

Okay, okay, focus, focus...

Okay, okay...I'm back...where were we?...Oh yeh, I remember...Male orgasms...

Depending on the arousal, for me it can be about 1 to 5 waves, lasting 5 to 30 seconds, of a very intense, powerful release that gives me a momentary light-headedness but drained feeling. If I could put one word on it would be 'explosion'. For me it wells up from my legs (I rarely orgasm from anything but a straight-legged position), this explosion feeling increases in my scrotum, then the hyper-sensitivity in my penis, especially the head, is the point of 'no return'. This feeling of explosion is euphoric and draining. A power orgasm leaves me rubber legged for several minutes. Sometimes a good piss has some of these explosive releasing sensations but it doesn't make me want to drink a bunch of water and do it again or take an old man nap afterwards!

...now back to brownsugarbaby's new showcase pics for a self-made orgasm!!

[Merged multiple posts due to operator error. Staff]
Okay, okay...I'm back...where were we?...Oh yeh, I remember...Male orgasms...

Depending on the arousal, for me it can be about 1 to 5 waves, lasting 5 to 30 seconds, of a very intense, powerful release that gives me a momentary light-headedness but drained feeling. If I could put one word on it would be 'explosion'. For me it wells up from legs (I rarely orgasm from anything but a straight-legged position), this explosion feeling increases in my scrotum, then the hyper-sensitivity in my penis, especially the head, is the point of 'no return'. This feeling of explosion is euphoric and draining. A power orgasm leaves me rubber legged for several minutes. Sometimes a good piss has some of these explosive releasing sensations but it doesn't make me want to drink a bunch of water and do it again or take an old man nap afterwards!

...now back to brownsugarbaby's new showcase pics for a self-made orgasm!! Originally Posted by ManSlut

Thank-you ManSlut Through My Eye's Photography is awesome! Good Investment! But hey....I still kept my cell phone pictures! You never know when those might come in hand-y when one does not have access to a laptop.

Manslut, while you're in my showcase, I hope your "explosion" lands smack-dab on my right ass cheek,...that would be hott!

...Let me know when you want me to come wipe off the screen on your computer. .