Providers Handle, Proximity, Intersection Most Helpful Information.

"Hell of a Good Time With Helen", "I Popped Cherry's Cherry",
"Serenity Was My Amenity", "I Was Barbie's Ken Doll"
"Miss Good Kitty Made Me Purr", "Suzy made me Woozy"
"Ellie May Made My Day","Lucy Snow Made Me Blow"

I have no use for these eloquently thought up titles. Everybody will benefit more if your title simply states the providers name and her incall proximity. If your review is for an outcall, then go ahead with your fancy title. "Miss Juicy Butt Drained My Nut".

Providers. Please include incall proximity in your add, such as an intersection. Everybody will benefit. Dallas/Fort Worth is enormous. Traffic is horrible. Incall proximity is vital information that can save many clients search time, drive time and gas. Pussy is like real estate. Location, location, location.
goodolboy's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
From your mouth to the hobby gods’ ears....
I think Ms Juicy Butt drained my nut was mine. She's pretty hot
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
There are about three of us that use TinMan's eminently worthy suggestion of Name/City/Yes or No/All the other verbiage.

But as long as reviewers are more concerned about stroking their egos than about being helpful, nothing will change. Which means that nothing will change.
I hate when I have to ask a provider for incall location and the reply is "Fort Worth". Thats a big damn place and I have a short window,
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper topic of many many posts apparently never gona change ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-28-2018, 08:56 AM

Ipthirteen1701's Avatar
Well, there are headings for all that information in the standard review template. So, unless you're not actually clicking on the reviews, you should get all that info already. I think you spent more effort to create this post than it would take to find what you're looking for.
gladius82's Avatar
The bullshit titles don't really bother me. If we could get better incall location info will really make a difference. But we won't... I asked for location last month and got North Dallas as a reply,... I did not see that provider, I figure If I am coming to see you, spend $$ and you can't or won't let me know where to cum (pun intended) oh well....I will love on to some one that has better TCB skills.
goodolboy's Avatar
Well, there are headings for all that information in the standard review template. So, unless you're not actually clicking on the reviews, you should get all that info already. I think you spent more effort to create this post than it would take to find what you're looking for. Originally Posted by Ipthirteen1701

Their incall location in the review may be accurate, but many girls change their incall location around the city on a regular basis. Like the OP said, FW and Dallas are large, and with traffic you may both be in the same city, but a hours drive apart.
If you use the standard format for reviews, you will see that the general location is on of the sections. The titles don't matter...its what's in the review that is of importance.

As far as provider putting a general location...I'm all for it. I hate seeing an ad for forth worth when in reality the are in Plano...but will do outcalls in ft worth.
TinMan's Avatar
I don’t click on every review. It’s a courtesy to include it in the title, of particular importance when geography matters. I agree, though, that it’s not as useful with girls who move around a lot.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Well, there are headings for all that information in the standard review template. So, unless you're not actually clicking on the reviews, you should get all that info already. I think you spent more effort to create this post than it would take to find what you're looking for. Originally Posted by Ipthirteen1701
The number of Fort Worth reviews is a fraction of the total on the Dallas board. You can sometimes go two pages deep before you find a review for a Fort Worth provider. Some of us don't want to waste our time clicking on links that will provide us with no valuable information.

If you're on a PC or laptop, when you hover over the subject line, you can see the first few lines of the post. Unfortunately, most of the time, the City field falls below the "hover threshhold." It should be an easy fix to change the review template so that the City field is visible in the "hover window." But that ain't gonna happen, so we fruitlessly continue to beat the please-put-the-city-in-the-subject-line dead horse.
i always text to ask a nearby street or give my nearby street so she can google map and tell me the distance. i wont proceed with the booking until i know that since i try to limit the driving time

no point in getting screened and finding out incall is 45 minutes away