Neeed help

KittyLamour's Avatar
[COLOR="Navy"]Hello, I am badly in need of a little human compassion. You all know that I've had a lot of problems... well it's true and i have not had time to recover from them and now I'm totally out.

Absolutely nobody has come through for me. I've been stood up more times than I can count. I am out on the street and don't have a place to stay at all. It is absolutely terrifying. I was not raised like this.

Desperation makes me bold... I am starving. I haven't eaten in several days, I can't even get anything to drink. ILast night I was so scared I made a choice to leave with a guy who offered to come get me... I just wanted off the street. He beat me and choked me and put me out on the side of the road here on Forest Ln thres my things out and ran over what little I had with his car. I've been here all day. I am weak and exhausted beyond exhaustion.

Since being outted my family hates me and no one will speak to me. I am sunburned badly,

I know who I am and what I can do. Given half a chance I could get back on my feet real quick. Please I haven't given up ojn me yet and I don't want to go to a shelter.

I am not asking for handjouts. I need a ride to a pawn shoop so I can sell my stereo system. Then I can get somethjing to eat and a room.

Would someone please help me??? A ride???
I am not lying or exaggerating. this is my real situation. I can't carry every[thing I own. Please help! Call me I won't be online. Please please call. Plese a ride is all I need.
903 819 8613 COLOR]
Maybe Boltfan can help you? Goooooood grief....
[COLOR="Navy"]Hello, I am badly in need of a little human compassion. You all know that I've had a lot of problems... well it's true and i have not had time to recover from them and now I'm totally out.

Absolutely nobody has come through for me. I've been stood up more times than I can count. I am out on the street and don't have a place to stay at all. It is absolutely terrifying. I was not raised like this.

Desperation makes me bold... I am starving. I haven't eaten in several days, I can't even get anything to drink. ILast night I was so scared I made a choice to leave with a guy who offered to come get me... I just wanted off the street. He beat me and choked me and put me out on the side of the road here on Forest Ln thres my things out and ran over what little I had with his car. I've been here all day. I am weak and exhausted beyond exhaustion.

Since being outted my family hates me and no one will speak to me. I am sunburned badly,

I know who I am and what I can do. Given half a chance I could get back on my feet real quick. Please I haven't given up ojn me yet and I don't want to go to a shelter.

I am not asking for handjouts. I need a ride to a pawn shoop so I can sell my stereo system. Then I can get somethjing to eat and a room.

Would someone please help me??? A ride???
I am not lying or exaggerating. this is my real situation. I can't carry every[thing I own. Please help! Call me I won't be online. Please please call. Plese a ride is all I need.
903 819 8613 COLOR]
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Carry everything u own?? U said u lost everything u owned Kitty?? STEREO?? how does one own a stereo and not a bed 2 sleep in? I apologize if I'm wrong but, imo anyone who feels the need to follow up her words with "THIS IS NOT A LIE" I have a rough time believing. good luck in ur endeavor and ask GOD he has the answers!
I will say a Prayer for you tonight.
ManSlut's Avatar
When the outside world views OUR WORLD, unfortunately this is what they make their judgements about - Hookers, not classy ladies, that don't have their shit together, who portray this victim scenario of being used by society but mainly Johns. And who does the holier-than-thou sect want to go after when they smell blood - anyone they can get their hands on, including the decent hobbyists and the respectable, reputable ladies who HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

This lady's story is a sad one and I'm not writing this to encourage ANYONE to pile on, but I'm sick of this lady's DRAMA and bullshit !!

I wish ECCIE would man up and ban certain individuals permanently for the sake of THEY DO NOT MAKE ANYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY OF OURS LOOK RESPECTABLE by how they go about their business or pastime pleasure !!

That's all I have to say on this matter, pile on me if you wish.


Part II: But if these individuals can not be banned then maybe their Eccie rights can be limited where they can not post begging threads or they are closed immediately....And in fairness, certain Gents with proven ripoff or violent ways have privileges restricted as well.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

I agree that you need help, but not the help you are hereby asking. I'll pray that you have the help you really need.

Good luck.
When the outside world views OUR WORLD, unfortunately this is what they make their judgements about - Hookers, not classy ladies, that don't have their shit together, who portray this victim scenario of being used by society but mainly Johns. And who does the holier-than-thou sect want to go after when they smell blood - anyone they can get their hands on, including the decent hobbyists and the respectable, reputable ladies who HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

This lady's story is a sad one and I'm not writing this to encourage ANYONE to pile on, but I'm sick of this lady's DRAMA and bullshit !!

I wish ECCIE would man up and ban certain individuals permanently for the sake of THEY DO NOT MAKE ANYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY OF OURS LOOK RESPECTABLE by how they go about their business or pastime pleasure !!

That's all I have to say on this matter, pile on me if you wish.


Part II: But if these individuals can not be banned then maybe their Eccie rights can be limited where they can not post begging threads or they are closed immediately....And in fairness, certain Gents with proven ripoff or violent ways have privileges restricted as well. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Manslut....I think your post is one of the BEST posts on here!!! I agree 100%!
When the outside world views OUR WORLD, unfortunately this is what they make their judgements about - Hookers, not classy ladies, that don't have their shit together, who portray this victim scenario of being used by society but mainly Johns. And who does the holier-than-thou sect want to go after when they smell blood - anyone they can get their hands on, including the decent hobbyists and the respectable, reputable ladies who HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER.

This lady's story is a sad one and I'm not writing this to encourage ANYONE to pile on, but I'm sick of this lady's DRAMA and bullshit !!

I wish ECCIE would man up and ban certain individuals permanently for the sake of THEY DO NOT MAKE ANYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY OF OURS LOOK RESPECTABLE by how they go about their business or pastime pleasure !!

That's all I have to say on this matter, pile on me if you wish.


Part II: But if these individuals can not be banned then maybe their Eccie rights can be limited where they can not post begging threads or they are closed immediately....And in fairness, certain Gents with proven ripoff or violent ways have privileges restricted as well. Originally Posted by ManSlut
ManSlut that was about the best said thing I have ever read on this site!
Doesn't take a CSI style forensics team to find flaws in this story. Haven't eaten for days, and out on the street. She was posting yesterday responding to ISO's, and was trying to sell the stereo system here just a few days ago. All that stereo equipment, and as her post earlier states, 100 pounds each for the speakers, that must be quite the site to behold on the side of the road. What's the over under on how many posts this one gets too?
btw Miss Lamour where is ur cat? I imagine starving 2 death as well? If the cat is in need of a place or meal I will gladly tend 2 the cat. U MY FRIEND ARE WALKING ACROSS BURNT BRIDGES! lay down and STOP THIS RIDICULOUS NONSENSE!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, I don't mean to pile on but at some point, logic needs to take over. Kitty, have you ever considered the obvious fact that this line of work is just simply not for you? You seem to always be in dire straights. I think it's clear that you have a hard time making ends meet in your chosen profession. And posts like these probably don't exactly help your marketability.

I think it's time for you to look in the mirror and decide how you can actually make a living to sustain a lifestyle that does not require constant begging for help. You're kind of like that childhood story I remember about the boy who cried wolf. After a while, nobody bothers to even respond or listen.

I wish you well. But, nobody really cares to help people who refuse to help themselves....Again, I wish you the best but instead of begging for help all of the time, I think it's time for you to help yourself and stop constantly asking strangers who have their own financial obligations and their own basic life personal problems to help you.
I know this sounds harsh but I am dead serious - you need to go check into a state program for mental illness and get some long term help.

Please don't mistake me. I honestly believe that is your best course of action. You cannot manage your own life or the people you bring into it very well. As a grown adult this should not be a challenge for you anymore. And here's the rub: I don't think you are capable of functioning in the real world and the only thing that can help you do this is medication and lots and lots of therapy. Nothing will change until you get help and the only real help that would put a dent in your problems is a crisis care treatment facility.

I swear to God that I am not trying to be a cute little smartass who has nothing better to do than talk shit on my keyboard. I suspect you have been able to avoid getting help because you haven't had to deal with the structure of the RW for a very very long time if ever. In the RW, when you get too stressed or your work deteriorates etc etc, there is a safety net called community resources. When you live as a provider for an extended period of time, normal RW resources become more foreign and more abstract. Having to "explain what you do" is a huge deterrent to seeking legitimate help so you spin your wheels and ride the money-coaster until one day you find yourself on the side of a highway hooker board holding up a cardboard sign that says "will work for food".

You need the help of trained mental health professionals - not guys who generally see us as disposable to begin with. If I thought for a second you could maintain the boundaries of an acquaintance I would reach out to you privately and suggest this but honestly anyone with half a head between their legs or their shoulders knows not to get within ten miles of you. People like you leech on and suck dry anyone who shows even an ounce of compassion toward you.

I think you are way beyond the help of a shelter or even a church. Don't get me wrong, finding a church is an excellent idea - I go to church nearly every Sunday (yep sure do!). But you need to stabilize your psyche before you go laying your problems on the church or you are liable to just take advantage of them too and burn even more bridges.

We all have shit thrown on us - some significantly worse than others. A hangnail to one person can be like losing a limb to another, for instance. Suffering is RELATIVE. What matters is how you GET BACK UP from out of the shit thrown on you and never fall in it again.

I hope all the newer ladies that stumble onto these constant sagas you have going on all the time take a lesson from it and get their priorities lined out bc this is what happens when you ride a money-coaster and never stabilize yourself as a functioning adult.

So here is my very sincere advice: Go walk into the nearest emergency room and tell them you don't want to live anymore. Tell them you have "a plan". They have to keep you for at least three days in an accredited mental health facility. Hopefully they keep you longer and help you work out an effective outpatient plan that includes safe mood stabilizing medication AND substance abuse treatment because it sounds like you need that too. At the very least you will be fed, sheltered and clothed for three days while you figure out your next move. I will most definitely keep you in my prayers. Good luck to you. It saddens me to read this and I truly hope you get the professional help you need.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nurse, I disagree. She is not crazy. She is just lazy and a user and my guess is that a few suckers actually fell for her sob stories in the past and now, people have had enough and know better.

I think people with actual mental problems deserve your advice. Not someone who comes to this board for constant handouts. I think that she is just a calculating and overly dramatic user...Let the mental illness people get the help they need, but let the users get off their ass and come up with a better plan than trying to scam complete strangers every other week.

Then again, what the fuck do I know?? She may be bat shit crazy and you could be 100% correct. She may have hooker Munchausen syndrome....
People that continually use others without any self-correction are mentally ill. Its called sociopathy. At least mental health professionals can assess her and assist her into a more effective coping strategy than a hooker board. Then, maybe, she can begin to help herself (honestly though, I don't think she is mentally or emotionally capable of coping with the real world). But she has to seek treatment on her own. Anyone who steps in now - besides a crisis counselor operating under a structured, state accredited mental health facility - will only be enabling her and prolonging the inevitable.
Hooker Munchausen Syndrome would be if she had a kid she regularly hurt on purpose to get everyone's attention then swooped in to save the day strategically garnering all the praise for being a rescuer-type.