Interesting spa situation

So I've seen this korean at the spa a few times and she seems really into me. The last time she talked about meeting with me and trying to get off one day before she travels to have surgery. I was just having fun playing with the idea. I said I'll text her maybe if you really want to meet. Then when the session was over I was getting ready to leave she took my cell and called her number. I guess she wants to make sure she has my actual cell number now in case I never text

Have hobbyists actually met and started a relationship with a girl like this? Or it's a trick. Im just real cautious now that she has my cell. And yeah she texted me a few times last night. Talking about her likes and korean dramas etc
She wants to be done in a year and pay off her moms debts and wants me to show her how America really is
Dorian Gray's Avatar
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 01-15-2014, 08:22 AM
If you have a SO or any reason that a relationship like this going "public" being bad for you stay the hell away. Also this is how she earns a living, even though she wants to be done in a year old habits die hard, even for these women. If you are not already encumbered with a SO and you'd be OK with a relationship consider how you'd feel if she went back to her job.

My overall opinion, recognizing there are extremely rare exceptions, is keep the hobby and personal life separate.
You're right. She's gonna drain me lol

Ackvt- yeah good point you got there.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Go for it. What's the worse thing that can happen?
Run away!
Terminator69's Avatar
OTS out the spa, and if you dont have any other relation lingering i will roll with it if its for "free sex" that might cost you dinner here and there movies but going with that mentality if you get emotional envolved you will be in deep shit before you know it.

If not give me her place of work i will roll with it

But that also might be her hustle and her way to go and get some regulars on the side where she won't have to pay the mamasan cut

Don't run from it explore it and squeez as much as you can don't lower your guard and be carefull with bbfs one thing might lead you to it, don't get too comfortable

Fuck the shit out of her
Lol. But I don't think she can get out and make extra on the side with me. She's been telling me her situation more saying how it's like jail where she is at. She can't get out see me at all really. Except the day before she will leave.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
She's been telling me her situation more saying how it's like jail where she is at. She can't get out see me at all really. Originally Posted by hentaiman97
Sad. She is forced to be doing this, yet as long as you can get your rocks off, it's okay. Anytime you see a girl who is doing this under duress, you might as well be a rapist.

BTW ... she doesn't like you, she is drowning and dying on the inside and looking for any American soul to save her and I can't blame her at all.
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 01-15-2014, 01:50 PM
Lol. But I don't think she can get out and make extra on the side with me. She's been telling me her situation more saying how it's like jail where she is at. She can't get out see me at all really. Except the day before she will leave. Originally Posted by hentaiman97
I won't go as far a BW but if she is basically trapped in jail and can't leave you might have stumbled onto a trafficing situation. Then forget what I said. Get the fuck away, never go back, block her number on your phone.
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 01-15-2014, 02:48 PM
Brooke is absolutely right. Young Asian women from poor families are often promised an education in nursing or another field only to find themselves working the brothels for nothing. They are told their wages are supporting their families back home. The rest is being put into an account to pay for their education. It's all bullshit.

I spent a lot lot of time in the far east when I was a kid and later on when I was in the Navy. It's more common than you can imagine. Sad!
ZedX79's Avatar
Stay away. Last thing you want is someone knocking on your door looking for her and when they don't find her, you end up in a hospital.

Or take the free sex.
She seems smart. She's fluent in English and she said she went to college but didn't finish cause the debt her family owes. I think she herself owes some too. I don't want to ask why come to the US. But if we do meet outside I'll talk about it.
Thanks for info guys. Btw
Terminator69's Avatar
Lol. But I don't think she can get out and make extra on the side with me. She's been telling me her situation more saying how it's like jail where she is at. She can't get out see me at all really. Except the day before she will leave. Originally Posted by hentaiman97
Base on this comments run as far as you can and don't look back this does not sound good

It's sad but what can you really do to help her might out yourself and get you nothing but trouble so stay away and at the end you might get her in more trouble that she was in before, or it might also be her hustle to scam you

Every possibility screams RUN Forrest RUN!