Any info on Jewl?

Just recently started posting in Lake City, FL. Two different ads with same name and number...
I can’t get links to work
Jjsunday's Avatar
I cant get them to pull up ether ….I wouldn't see her if her links wont work....

She has 6 ads out there now. A lot of the ladies do that, post multiple times a day.
Sorry gents. Guess the links didn’t copy correctly from another post.
The link that Georgehentson posted I’d the same girl.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Damn Jb...She looks Hot …..
I'd be skeptical. In her description she lists her breasts as small/petite. The pictures she posted certainly don't look small or petite.
Did anyone see Jewl. I contacted her but she is asking for dick pics so that has me hesitant.
Of course the pics are fake, but I believe she’s real. Not my type though. She sent me a face pic and she definitely has that country look to her, not ugly but also not that attractive either.