
I just had to share this pic because I'm really loving how my tummy is looking...

Can you believe I have two kids?!!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Nice Tracy,you should be proud, keep up the hard work, it's paying off.
flanker6's Avatar
Oh my word Tracy, you just made my day!
You look awesome
Daracus's Avatar
Staying fit, it does your body good!
Thanks guys! I started working out last year around Thanksgiving, then started with a trainer in the spring. Best investment of my life. Went from 160 lbs at the beginning of the year to 143 this morning.
Congrats! You look great!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Beautiful picture. Congratulations on your success.

Care to share some details of your regimen?
I don't do any cardio.. well any long distance cardio. We basically start on the treadmill at about a 3 speed on the highest incline for 15 mins then we do high impact cardio like suicides and such for maybe another 15 to 20 mins. Then we go and do a lot of weights. We focus on certain body parts, and I do a lot of squats and lunges.
Oh and a lot of it is what you eat. I don't eat red meat or a lot of carbs. No pasta though I love it, and try to stay from bread and sugar. Lots of water, lots of fruits and veggies.
bearf15amc's Avatar
I'd go so far as to say, you look great even if you didn't have 2 kids!!
Looking good Tracey........but please don't lose that beautiful booty . Lol. Kidding aside, you look great!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-26-2013, 06:27 PM
After meeting you in person last week I love what I saw!
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Nice Picture! Thanks for sharing it with us. I've always liked belly button jewelry!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
You look really great! Keep up the awesome workouts. Got to love fitness.