austinkboy's poesy

Bobave's Avatar
Every time I read his signature, I like it better. It's sheer poetry.
Very economical capture of a sentiment (first rule of journalism: if you can say the same thing in fewer words, it makes a more powerful message).
Kudos, Kboy.

The original does just fine as blank verse -

At first,
I paid to see you
so I could have sex with you.

I pay to have sex with you
so that I can see you.

Here (thanks to a moment of OCD), modified in haiku form...

At first, dear consort
I only paid to see you
to have sex with you.

As seasons pass, now
I pay to have sex with you
so I can see you.

Yeah, I know, Kboy's is better, it was just my minor self-indulgence.
  • Paven
  • 12-30-2010, 12:13 AM
I know when I read that I thought "Ah what a nice thing to say".
It's been in my signature line for some time now.
  • Paven
  • 12-30-2010, 12:20 AM
I saw that last night Damon, very nice.
austinkboy's Avatar
Thanks bobave and damon for the compliments. Glad you like it Paven.
I used it to explain at what point a provider I see regularly becomes my "favorite" in a thread about chemistry that Natalie(I think?) started. It just seem to explain the mixed emotions without over explaining the unexplainable. So, if theses words seem familiar to you (you know who you are), I was very sincere...
  • Paven
  • 12-30-2010, 09:12 AM
Well it is a very refreshing way of thinking austinkboy, thank you.
Thanks bobave and damon for the compliments. Glad you like it Paven.
I used it to explain at what point a provider I see regularly becomes my "favorite" in a thread about chemistry that Natalie(I think?) started. It just seem to explain the mixed emotions without over explaining the unexplainable. So, if theses words seem familiar to you (you know who you are), I was very sincere... Originally Posted by austinkboy
Lovers become friends, Friends become lovers!
Perfect Austin, TY.