How To Act Like a Lady!

Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, all this bickering back and forth has given me no choice but to bring out the "Momma Bird" mode in me!

First of all, this thread is directed towards all the "Girls"! I say girls because most of you don't have enough common sense to come in out of the rain! You haven't lived long enough to learn the true meaning of life! With that being said, I want to change your life! I want to turn you into a LADY!

Now before any of you get your feathers ruffled, you need to shut up, sit down, and listen! Who might learn something!

How To Act Like a Lady:
1) Always dress like a lady until your client asks you otherwise! Nothing like strolling into some nice hotel looking like a 2 bit whore! They want the illusion of a lady, so look like one!
2) Always talk like a lady! No man wants a lady to cuss like a sailor!
3) Always return phone calls and emails in a timely manner! The gentlemen took the time to contact you, so be courteous and reply EVEN if you decline to see them!
4) When another lady contacts you for client verification, be professional and give them the information they ask for! Don't get pissy because you think that they are trying to steal your client!
5) When posting on this board or any other board, think before you type! If you come across as a bitch, most likely, everybody else thinks that you are!
6) When posting, PLEASE use spellcheck and use proper grammar! Believe it or not, most clients want to see someone who is intelligent!
7) If you choose to post an alert, for goodness sakes, post it in the correct forum and have all your facts before alerting the other girls! I've seen it happen several times that a new lady post an alert on some poor guy because of a misunderstanding that could have been corrected with a simple phone call!
8) When posting a rebuttal to a bad review, please take the time to tell your story instead of bashing the client! It will make you look like a stand-up lady instead of some psycho bimbo! Try not to take it so can't please everyone!
9) When posting a reply to someone's thread, PLEASE do not fly off the handle just because you don't agree with the original poster! They have a legitimate question and it is our job to give our opinion in a civil manner!
10) DO NOT attack anyone publicly on this board! If you have a problem with someone, then you contact them through the back channels! If it cannot be solved, I'm sure the mods will help you!
11) Keep your sessions with a client a very positive one! They come to see you because they want to forget their problems.......not reason to burden them with yours!
12) Do not spend every dime you make! SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! Nothing more less attractive than a lady who is begging for money!

I'm sure I have left out some other crap and if anyone can think of anything else, please speak up! I've always posted with humor and I will continue to do so! I'm just fed up with all the bickering from the young whipper snappers!

Ok, Momma Bird is through bitching.......y'all can now go back outside and play in the snow!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-11-2010, 05:02 PM
Damn Lana, I couldn't have said that better...and you had the guts to post rock....
Iaintliein's Avatar
If I might add one thing. When taking issue with a review provide a link to the specific review, while this isn't about "acting like a lady" per se, it is good form. Many handles are very similar and could complicate an already complicated situation.

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-11-2010, 06:25 PM
Damn Lana, I couldn't have said that better... Originally Posted by fawn
The problem as I see it, Fawn (and you know I worship you so please don't take this personally ) the problem is that you didn't say anything at all.

I salute Lana, and if anybody gives her any trouble for posting that, I've got her back.

I'm sure I know at least one of the threads that prompted Lana to take the time to work up such helpful, common-sense advice. That thread turned into a pig wallow. I could be mistaken, but it appeared to me that after the Mods silenced one particularly obnoxious fellow, they stood by and allowed one poster to return and verbally savage not only the man but also another lady. I'm talking about personal ad hominem insults and defamation. What's the deal with that?

And remember, I had taken issue with the obnoxious guy myself. But I'd tried to keep my tone civil, avoid personal insults, and keep my artillery in proportion to his. The way he wound up being treated offended my sense of fairness.

And that kind of ugly bickering between providers -- jeeze louise! As it happens both of these ladies are prominent in this community and/or frequent posters on this board. Just closing the thread (a little late in my opinion) left me (and perhaps only me) unsatisfied. It seemed to me that such public bad behavior invited public correction by a moderator. I don't think private reprimands (if there were any) sufficiently repairs the damage done to the environment.

I think it's great that we have a female mod (and one who sets a fine example) but I have a question: Wouldn't it be appropriate for her to require a certain level of decorum from the ladies here?

This is a new board forming its own personality and, like everyone else here, I suppose, I'm new. Things do not always have to go my way, and I'm certainly not wanting everybody to talk, or act, or be the same. Be who you are. But we both know that the membership here includes some people who can be (in real life! ) pretty crude.

If a man here steps over the line (whatever that is) it's pretty regular for another gentleman to step up and interact with him about it. And it happens right there in that thread. (And if the "obnoxious guy" I've been referring to had uttered another word, he'd have been booted.) You know I don't mind speaking to a man about his behavior, but I don't want to have to correct the ladies.

Does that make sense?

I'm having some qualms about posting this publicly, but I mean it only as polite inquiry, not as introduction to drama. I'm sure you'll receive it that way. If you'd rather we not, just say so and I'll drop it here.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-11-2010, 06:31 PM
You know Jfred, Lana called me and we concurred on this she speaks for both of us.........and I totally agree with what she has said...and I love you to baby.....
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-11-2010, 06:41 PM
Thanks, Fawn. I shoulda known you were involved.

Good for both of you then. But let me point out that this approach is fairly subtle and (I can tell you from experience ) subtlety can be overlooked most easily by those to whom it is (ever so subtly) directed.

Do you care to speak to the questions of (1) are there standards of behavior here for providers along the lines that Lana (and you, apparently) so ably laid out, and (2) whether the mods here are going to actively moderate those standards?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-11-2010, 06:50 PM
Thanks, Fawn. I shoulda known you were involved.

Good for both of you then. But let me point out that this approach is fairly subtle and (I can tell you from experience ) subtlety can be overlooked most easily by those to whom it is (ever so subtly) directed.

Do you care to speak to the questions of (1) are there standards of behavior here for providers along the lines that Lana (and you, apparently) so ably laid out, and (2) whether the mods here are going to actively moderate those standards? Originally Posted by jfred
Well jferd, if some of the ladies would follow some of these rules, and set their standards
much higher, and truly respect themselves, others will respect them back and there wont be
so much ripped off , shortages and they might see an increase in their business...
but now this is just my opinion...and as for the mods, they do the best they can do to control the
situations on this board....there are a lot of forums that need attention, they cant be every
where all the time...if everyone would act like they have some sense it would be a much nicer place........
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-11-2010, 07:27 PM
Well jferd... Originally Posted by fawn
Umm, jferd is my cousin who fled to the Bahamas.

Thanks for the answers.

And by the way, overall I'm liking this board. Very nice, really.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-11-2010, 07:38 PM
OK Jfred, so I got excited and was typing fast and forgot to use spell check..
I broke the cardinal rule #6.....
geezerdude2's Avatar
That sound you hear is the sound of me, giving a standing ovation to Lana and Fawn. Very well said, ladies, and thank you for saying it.
geezerdude2's Avatar
And, to be fair, us guys could try harder to act like gentlemen as well. I'll sure try.
selot's Avatar
  • selot
  • 02-11-2010, 08:06 PM
Very Well said (posted) Lana...

Should be required reading for everyone on this board...
TexTushHog's Avatar
I disagree a bit with number 8. It is almost never a good idea to reply to a bad review. To do so well requires inordinate skill. And even then, you run the inherent risk of publicizing the bad review to a much wider audience that will have seen it in the first instance. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand that times that I've see it play out well for the provider, and I've been handing out on the boards and newsgroups for 12 years or more.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I disagree a bit with number 8. It is almost never a good idea to reply to a bad review. To do so well requires inordinate skill. And even then, you run the inherent risk of publicizing the bad review to a much wider audience that will have seen it in the first instance. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand that times that I've see it play out well for the provider, and I've been handing out on the boards and newsgroups for 12 years or more. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Oh, you're absolutely right, but you and I both know that some girls just can't stay away from responding! LOL!
well then i will do my best to fix myself.