Question for providers

I was wondering how you all first got into the hobby and what made you decide to go for it?

My experience was that I had always considered it, probably since I was 16 but never really thought I would do it because all I knew about the industry are the things you hear about on TV about how dangerous and risky it is. Then I met this girl in class (a sexual psych class) and we were working on a project together and it came up. Anyways I started out working for the same agency she worked for at the time.
Law of attraction....

And I just thought about the opportunities that I would have once in business.

(Good question, I'm sure others didn't answer, because they told their story, a 100 times. Well this is #7 for me ... )
JohnJohn's Avatar
Good question Carly. I've always been intrigued with how a lady got started and asked this on the old board as my first posted thread. Curiosity and all...

Please tell us your story Ladies. Some of us are interested.
Well I guess, most keep this information, a secret.
I could not help, but to reveal, I think it's past down, to some, from some their parents.
I never even thought for a heartbeat about it or that I could ever do it then one day, I met a lady (a licensed therapist) who asked me if I'd like to work for her offering L1 sessions. Long story short, It took her several months to talk me into it but I found I REALLY enjoyed it, especially the massage aspect. I went to school, got licensed and have worked for myself ever since.

I enjoy the freedom of scheduling myself with as many or as few hours as I am able. I enjoy meeting different people, I enjoy the friendships I've developed, I enjoy helping people, I enjoy the sensual aspects, etc, etc, etc.

Did I mention I love what I do still? After all these years?
mikahranae's Avatar
I was a huge prude up until I was 25. I worked at Citigroup for 7 years and made a mistake that cost me my job and made it nearly impossible to find another one. I waited 6 months before I went to work at Babydolls. Working at Babydolls brought out my wild side. I waitressed for about 3 years and started doing a few extras the last year I was there. When the economy started affecting the business I started doing bodyrubs which is still where most of my income comes from. After a few months of doing bodyrubs, I started providing.
Nice thread SexyCarlyBanx... I cant wait to read all the different stories.
Not to many know my story so I suppose I can share.

I actually "fell" into the adult industry by accident. I had always had a normal job though I was far from "green//square" [[as I always had this uncanny ability of no gag reflex]]

I was living and working a 9-5 in San Antonio, miserable as all hell and someone mentioned to me that I should dance... Posted a pic on this acult job site and instead of stripping was flown out to San Fernando Valley aka Porn Central. Did a couple of movies... **Loved it**... went to the Virgin Islands & danced for almost a year... Came back home and figured why the hell not? They loved the Texas girl in the islands... Why wouldnt they love me back home? Lol and the rest is history!!