Question for Providers

Olebear's Avatar
There are a few of us guys in the hobby that are older and take medications that won't allow us to use the blue pill or anything like it.
However we can take injections that work pretty well.

Would it freak you out if a guy came for an appointment and has to take an injection before the session??
Not at all, i actually saw a guy that did that before. I must say at first I was like whooo, but he told me what it was and I was okay with it. Whatever help yall need to have fun with us is okay in book.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Well, as long as you don't have me GIVE you the injection or watch, I'll try. (It does make me cringe to think of a sharp pointed object aimed at your royal shillelagh.) Please do be aware that if you inject improperly, you can bruise and injure junior, possibly causing nerve damage, and frequent injections (more than once every 4-7 days) can leave scaring that may further impair erection.

However, if you are at that point, perhaps you might check into a surgically implanted pump. At least you don't have to torture junior every time you want to play. (I've seen 3 fellows with pumps, and they worked very well. Think of the Energizer Bunny on Super Viagra, going on and on and....)

I strongly suggest gentlemen and providers alike refer to for more complete education on erectile dysfunction and treatments.
  • hd
  • 02-23-2010, 06:51 AM
I have an insulin pump, although it doesn't impede erections unless my suger is out of balance, it has never caused a problem that I noticed with a provider. I disconnect it while I'm with her and leave with my clothes. I have told younger providers that it was one of those pain pumps that people use for back pain. Most of the yound ones aren't as well educated on health issues like this as are the older ones, thus don't understand or never heard of diabetes and I don't what to go thru the discussion of what it is.
DallasRain's Avatar
nope--happens quite a few times...I even have a sweet client friend with a "pump" in his wanger so when he is ready we just "pump up the volume"!!

Its all good as long as everyone has fun!!!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Okay, Gonzo's down to about 225 from 265, so I'm making it happen on the way to 190. So I hobby mostly because I'm not exactly a chick magnet. But if any provider doesn't want to see me because I'm carrying around a little weight, what do I care? Just let me know. They don't want to see me, I sure as hell don't want to see them. Wastes time for both of us, not to mention squandering my money. They have a right to refuse service. I have a right not to visit again. There is no fat boy discount, is there?
I had a guy come in and injected himself in front me but he told before he did it what he was doing. But when I was watching him doing it I was like OMG thats gotta hurt...But he said no but you leave with a boner cause it lasts 2hrs he said....But takes 10min to work....
nope--happens quite a few times...I even have a sweet client friend with a "pump" in his wanger so when he is ready we just "pump up the volume"!!

Its all good as long as everyone has fun!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

I have seen a guy with the pump and when he started squeezing his balls I heard this squeaking sound and I was WTF so i left it alone and he went to delflate them so then he told me what he had......
hobbyhorse's Avatar
I've gotta say if it comes to injecting yourself i'd just get a pump. The testicular implant makes your sac kinda like the old reebok pump shoes I don't have one, but I know several guys who do and they give it 2 thumbs up.
I've heard about the injections and the pumps that are placed in the penis, different than the simple vacuum pumps that reduce air pressure and pull blood into the penis. I've always been curious whether the inserted pumps have some sort of a fail/safe valve that keeps the owner from over-inflating the penis until it...well...POPS! I can't imagine anything more painful than that.
Olebear's Avatar
Problem with the pump is the cost. It is 10,000.00+. Injections are about 20.00 ea. I don't figure Ill live long enough to use up the 10,000.00.
I have actually had several gentlemen who use the injections. It's no problem for me. I even have a sharps container to dispose of your supplies.

I live with a diabetic so I COMPLETELY understand about more aspects than most people.

Bring it on, Olebear!
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
Would it freak you out if a guy came for an appointment and has to take an injection before the session??
Nope! I had a couple of gentlemen that had to do that before our appointment. They just excused their self to the restroom. Of course, they informed me as to what they had to do in order to 'perform'.
rummerpaul's Avatar
Is there a shot that will make it go DOWN?

Thats the shot I need.
I have found that people injecting themselves is more common than you think but most men don't feel comfortable discussing that they do it. Personally if I were a man and needed a small injection VS a very painful surgery that may or may nor perform to the same standards of what I was given at birth.... I have to say that I would do the injections too.

Now come let us play with that thing once you GET JUICES FLOWING! *evil grin*

X O Sadie