Provider wanting to be a Sugar Baby

I find this very funny. I have played the hobbyist and SDSB field for 8 years just to give some background on where I am coming from. So of course I am on some SDSB sites and get contacted by providers all the time. Of course they vary from well-reviewed ladies, BP trash, to UTR. 90% of the time I will ignore and will not make arrangements with known providers. If I wanted a provider I go to P411, Eccie, or some other review board. I go to SDSB sites for a sugar baby not a p4p arrangement. I have college age SB now and have had many in the past that is willing to see me 2-3 times a week unlimited amount of time and all I have to do is pay their car payment, give them gas money, take them out to dinner, and show them a good time and on top of all that she is low volume and really is a GFE and will call me up just wanting to get together and wants nothing in return.

Anyways, on to my point. I was contacted by a well-reviewed, gorgeous provider on a SDSB website. Now I had thought about seeing her in the past but the only thing that stop me was she only offers CBJ. After seeing her pictures I instantly knew who she was. So I was intrigue and responded back to her letting her know up front that I am also a hobbyist and knew she was a provider. I sent her a prescreen on p411 since she is on there so she would know who she is dealing with. She gave me this spill on how her business is slow here in Birmingham. So after going back looking over her reviews and her rates I came up with an offer inside my head. Now she charges 250 an hour. So three visits a month at just an hour a piece would cost me 750. I thought to myself well since I know that is going to be a p4p arrangement I would just do a multi visit a month for a discount. I offered her 500 a month for three one hour visits. 250 first visit, 150 second, 100 third. ( Note I do not negotiate any providers rates and ALWAYS pay what is listed if I contact you, but when I’m the one being contacted as a SD of course I am going to give you my offer which will be less than what you charge as a provider. Sorry it’s just business nothing personal if you are wanting me to be a loyal customer and start throwing regular business your way every week no I am not going to pay your regular rate and you are going to have to keep me just as happy as if I was or our arrangement will be over with. I have been down this road before and I already know you are a provider and this will be p4p not a SDSB relationship I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday)

Let’s just say she was very offended by my offer. So offended I was told to not even contact her in the future just to see as a client. Wow!!!! Business must not be too bad. I don’t know if it was because she knew that I was a hobbyist, and thought I would just give in a really pay her 250 for every hour I was with her or what. Well actually she wanted 3-5k a month and still only offer a CBJ. I did not even ask how much time I was going to get for that amount. But really? I have a younger girl than you that is low volume provides more than what you offer see her 8-12 times a month varying from one hour to overnight all for just taking care of a few bills and treating her respect and spoiling her at a fraction of the cost.

No I am not going to give anyone her name. I am not here to sling mud or start a fight. I am just posting this to get feedback from other hobbyist and providers. What is your opinions on this type of situation? Just curious to see if other hobbyist deals with this if they are into SDSB and to see what providers think if you contacted a guy on a SDSB site and he made you a similar offer.
Presumably, you read the Sugardaddy Discussions forum, and you've been following the SD/SB threads in Diamonds and Tuxedos.

What you describe is just plain typical. The usual provider hyperventilates, blows a gasket, and gets the vapours at the merest suggestion than a reliable long-term cash flow might justify a discount from her walk-in one-shot rate.

She just saved you a whole bunch of headache. Given that reaction, you can bet that her service level was going to decline considerably, and the drama was going to skyrocket.

As for not giving her name, may I respectfully suggest that you are doing your fellow hobbyists a disservice by not doing so? She's still out there, and the next guy who trips over her might not be as well-informed as you were.
I believe you hit the nail on the head sidewinder. If I call a provider 3 times a month and request a appointment then yes I don't mind paying her regular rate. Of course IMHO and I might even hint to it that a loyal customer discount would be great business practice to keep me loyal as in frequent flyer miles because new talent always pops up and someone that offers a better deal and offers comparable services but I would not dare argue that point because I am wanting to see her and consider that disrespectful, but when you come to me because your business fell off/slow and you are searching SD sites to drum up business that is a whole different ball game. I am doing YOU a favor by agreeing to see you 3 times a month. That is money that is being taken away from me seeing other providers and SB to commit and have an arrangement with you.

Of course being a small business owner that is just the business side of me talking, but none the less don't matter what commodity you're offering great service and keeping loyal customers is key to your success, but just like any business owner you have the right to charge whatever you want and they can take it or leave it. I don't have to put on a sale or offer a rewards program. That is their choice just like it is mine.

However I have not seen this provider and believe it would be wrong of me to release a name. This has nothing to do with me seeing her as a client. She has been in business for years and has nothing but excellent reviews. I think this is just a matter of business is slow and not that her services has fell off. I have no reason to speak badly of her and ruin her career. Although after talking with her and the reaction I got there is no way I would never call her as a client due to her attitude. Don't be mad at me if you contact me and I say this is my offer. Just take it or leave it no biggie. It did not hurt my feelings that she did not take it and it should hurt hers. Just a polite no thanks is all I needed.
drsmooth1's Avatar
However I have not seen this provider and believe it would be wrong of me to release a name. This has nothing to do with me seeing her as a client. She has been in business for years and has nothing but excellent reviews. I think this is just a matter of business is slow and not that her services has fell off. I have no reason to speak badly of her and ruin her career. Originally Posted by Mansruin
All the while I bet she's slinging mud all over your good name. I'm not trying to get you to reverse your stand but when you bring a subject to a public forum you have to expect we want names!
I apologize. All I was wanting was thoughts on this type of situation from both sides. Just conversation and thoughts. That is it. I was not aware that this was going to turn into just wanting a name so I guess it is my fault for going about it the wrong way and should have never brought up the subject.

I have not seen this provider so I feel like it would be unfair to her. If I saw her as a "client" and something bad happen you better believe I would post reviews and the whole nine yards BUT I have never even met her in person!!! She has recent reviews that still say she is an excellent provider and who am I to say any different. If she wants to spread my name that is fine I am the better person.

This scenario came up I explained the situation and just wanted peoples thought's on it that is it. Maybe my offer was offensive I didn't think so and don't really care. I don't care if she tells everyone and no provider ever sees me again. I see providers now only if you peak my interest.

Obviously IMHO there has been another big shift in demand or providers that are well reviewed would not be scrambling around SDSB sites looking for business. I have seen SB/UTR before that that came out of the closet and will tell you straight up that they make more money as a provider than they did as a SB and just like I told "this provider" if you are wanting to make money and make a living stay an escort. Unless you really find a sucker that is willing to drop all that money just to still have a provider except on retainer and not a SB.

Anyways this discussion did not turn out how I thought it would.
As someone else said, you are fortunate that she reacted the way she did. Her reaction gave you a very valuable commodity in this hobby: information. While I am very interested in your situation and enjoyed your post, I believe these fora are not just to relate our disappointments and have other hobbyists commiserate. I think the primary purpose is to share that valuable commodity that you received from the young lady. Respectfully, to relay a situation such as this without identifying the provider is in some ways quite selfish. I know that probably is not your intention, but that is the way it translates. It is just my opinion, no offense meant.

Be safe, All, and share what you know. You might save someone a lot of misery.
vicinms's Avatar
I've never tried the SB thing, but those you describe sound like a sweet deal. As for the provider you mention expecting 3-5k per month, I'd consider that absolutely crazy. I mean we are talking $36,000 - 60,000 per year! That averages to $100+ per day which wouldn't be worth in my opinion even if that pussy was magical.
gimme_that's Avatar
If the OP tells me who this is.....I will reveal which locallized providers don't use birth control and will keep the baby if the condom pops..........but no maybe I shouldn't...........
I've never tried the SB thing, but those you describe sound like a sweet deal. As for the provider you mention expecting 3-5k per month, I'd consider that absolutely crazy. I mean we are talking $36,000 - 60,000 per year! That averages to $100+ per day which wouldn't be worth in my opinion even if that pussy was magical. Originally Posted by vicinms
Well I see a providers outlook on this type of situation that they still have their income but only see one guy and can take themselves completely off the market. For them this would be a great and ideal situation. I know guys that have taken providers off the market. To me this would still feel like a provider and client arrangement and me personally I could not get past that. I would have to have a civilian lady for that.

I mean honestly if it was a provider that you had a strong connection with this could be ideal situation but of course for that kind of money it would have to be inclusive of overnight stay's, dinner dates, travel ect. with nothing more expected other than paying for dinner, trips, and occasional gift.

Yes you can find some "sweet deals". Most are few far and between but they are there. Because that type of girl has decided not to go the provider route and making a 60k a year income. She has decided she wants a guy to take care of her bills keep her from having to go work at a fast food joint while she is in college. This gives her more time for studying, time with friends, boyfriend and enjoying college life. Of course she does not have as many obligations as someone with kids and having to "make a living"

I had this one girl for a while a 19/yo college girl. She was going to a community college here in town. All she wanted to was me to pay her few bills. Cell phone 50 and month, gym membership 20 a month, I paid for all her gas for the month since her car was paid for 200 a month. Outside that she wanted a guy to wine and dine her and some modest shopping. Something that guys her age could not give her. Took her out to dinner, movies, a few weekend trips. Well let's just say what I got in return was Arm candy and let you use your imagination on the rest. Although it did take me awhile to get use to the stares when I was out with this one you know the "ok she is out of your league stare so what are you doing for her you old fat bald guy"LOL It did make for some interesting conversation with the waitress sometimes when she went to the bathroom. LOL

Again guys no I am not going to give up her name this is not what this was intended for. I HAVE NOT SEEN HER and believe if I would have contacted her for an appointment that I would have received excellent service. I think that this was an isolated incident with the attitude that she was offended by my offer. To be honest I don't think her business is hurting or she would have jumped IMHO. I mean a offer of I will pay your regular fee the first visit 250, then 150, then 100 then start the cycle over. 3 visits at regular would have been 750 my offer was 500. Overall at the end of the month a 33% discount. If you are really in need of money and business is slow 500 is better than nothing. I think she is looking to be taken off the market.