Thinking out Loud

internet_inventor2's Avatar
I have a small pecker.

Thank You and Good Night.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
You didn't mention old, gray and wrinkled... do you are ahead of me...
boardman's Avatar
I have a small pecker.

Thank You and Good Night. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2

What, did you lose a bet?
I have a small pecker.

Thank You and Good Night. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
LMAO...and you "Hobby" too much!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
ii2 has a small bothers me that I know this.
proper's Avatar
i feel all better now that i know that i am not the only one who is length and girth challenged
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
It's not considered "Small" until you go in for a vasectomy and the doctor takes one look and says... "Why bother"
What, did you lose a bet? Originally Posted by boardman

Meoauniaea's Avatar
So you have a small pecker? Who cares. You still know how to use it right?
shadowdrive's Avatar
Its a good thing that the size of the pecker is not all that important. It is your reputation in the hobby and size of your wallet that gets you where you wanna go.

Sisyphus's Avatar
I have a small pecker.

Thank You and Good Night. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
Confession is good for the soul! I have no soul so I won't be joining in...
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-31-2010, 03:55 PM
I have a small pecker. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
So do I. So what???
at least it isn't an "innie"

thundachicken's Avatar
I think knowing how to use what you've got counts but, lol...
onehitwonder's Avatar
What, did you lose a bet? Originally Posted by boardman
My dearest Boardman, Am advising him as I did you in similar situation.

You will need:

Can of black pepper - check!
tweezers - check!
magnifying glass - check!
willing female participant - check!

OK here we go....

Hold the magnifying glass directly over penis.

Do not come in direct contact with sunlight. As you will end up with a 'roasted wienie'. (Can be quite painful)

Next, sprinkle small amount of blk pepper onto your penis. Now here comes the important part:

Wait until Jr. sneezes then promptly catch "Him" with the tweezers.

Then have willing female partner apply CPR until Jr arises to task at hand.

Then proceed as usual.............

Well, my work here is done, carry on....................