Don't Fall For It

So for the past 24 hours, Pelosi, Schumer and other major Dims have been goading President Trump to go to Congress and testify.

Extraordinarily bad idea if he does. Sets an unwarranted precedent that dilutes the office of the Presidency.

It's a perjury trap anyway. Rudy did the right thing by not allowing Mueller to verbally question him. On the written responses I don't think Trump answered half the questions.

Nancy has said many times "The coverup is worse than the crime" - whatever that means. It appears that the Dim will keep moving the goalposts until Trump falls into a goalpost hole. Since quid pro quo hasn't worked, and bribery hasn't worked it they'll try "obstruction of justice" again- which means anything the Dims want it to mean.

I'm reading where the Impeachment proceedings had bad ratings: far less than the Kavanaugh and the Mueller testimony. Let it DOA in the House. Nobody wants to look or listen to Schiff.

And for gawds sake get those IG reports out.

This also tells me Nancy wants to further delay the USMCA. Don't sign the govt continued funding bill unless you get the USMCA. President Trump can easily pin this on Nervous Nancy.
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  • WTF
  • 11-18-2019, 04:01 PM
God Damn I hope no one is paying you for that shit analysis. You sound like Elmer Fudd.

matchingmole's Avatar
God Damn I hope no one is paying you for that shit analysis. You sound like Elmer Fudd.

. Originally Posted by WTF
LexusLover's Avatar
God Damn I hope no one is paying you for that shit analysis. You sound like Elmer Fudd. Originally Posted by WTF
How much have you paid for your analysis ....

... who did you predict would be convicted for killing Martin?

Anyone who begins a sentence with "God Damn" is full of shit.