I know there are a ton of different disciplines out there and I have been thinking some things over since having a long talk with a Jiu-Jitsu Sinsea. He made a comment about not being able to perfect a discipline, because you just get bits and pieces of everything. He had a good point to an extent. He probably also wanted me in his class! What do you guys think about that? I am almost inclined to think that taking two different disciplines that compliment each other at a time would be better than getting a black belt from an MMA instructor. Thoughts anyone?
Ultimately, being able to escape, woman or child, and injure an attacker with ease is what the goal is here!
Bruce Lee created his Gung Fu using bits and pieces of many disciplines. And still is considered one of the baddest mothers to walk the earth!
knotty man's Avatar
im sorry....what was the question again?
i saw your avatar and the title MMA. and all i could think of was gettin you in a rear naked choke hold
Jiu - Jitsu is also a defensive discipline , could compliment it with one of the offensive disciplines to round it out.
I think that's a great idea! Perhaps, I am not satisfied with the MMA training due to the fact the class is not there yet with more "hard core" things. It's an intermediate class though. It's great my family member can break boards in class, spar with other's in the same weight division, do strikes and what not. BUT, how is that going to help now in a real world situation? I want a discipline that will help here and now!
sixxbach's Avatar
I want to do the MMA thing. Don't laugh. I am only interested in the training aspect for losing weight. I will have alot of extra time in the summer to dedicate myself hard core to excercise and will have hopefully have lost 50 lbs before then.

One other thing to remember is this is Texas, and everyone and their mother has a permit to carry and firearm!
I want to do the MMA thing. Don't laugh. I am only interested in the training aspect for losing weight. I will have alot of extra time in the summer to dedicate myself hard core to excercise and will have hopefully have lost 50 lbs before then.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Trust me, there are people in this MMA class that are really overweight and they are brown/black belts, seriously. Unless you go 3 or 4 times a week then I don't think it makes a lot of difference. Now, the MMA exercise classes....that's a damn work out! The first time I did one I threw up after class. The Jiu-Jitsu class I watched recently had the people sweating and panting the whole time. I think I am going to start that one!