Angel Tree - Giving back to our own.....

Good Day All,

As some of the gentlemen here know, I have kinda set up an Angel Tree of sorts in the Locker Room to assist a lady with her child's Christmas this year.

Well, The response has been very humbling and greatly appreciated. The suggestion was made that it be borught here to CoEd and extended out to all.

We know it has been a hard year for some of you, and that ends have not always met. And that XMas for some of your families will suffer due to getting the basic bills paid. I am offering to set up an Angel Tree of sorts here virtually. I will take any correspondence from you, turn it into Angel Tree like posts (Girl - 6 Years old - Barbie Doll) And post them here. I will not revel names so your privacy is assured.

Gentlemen or Ladies,

You can pick off the list, purchase an item and I will arrange to pick it up from you, or you can send funds anonymously and I will purchase the items most needed. I will revel your identify if you care to share, or just take joy in helping another have a grand XMas. I will be glad to submit to any audit and validation that is needed to satisfy that I am not running off with the items or cash, and that they are getting to those in need.

If there is no interest in this from either side of the house, no issue. That just means that every child here will be having a good XMas, and there is no need for this activity. I hope that is the case.

Also, could use a few elves to pick up or drop off items. Please let me know if you would like to help.

My email address is and I am also on IM at that address.

Happy Holidays and Hobby Well!

Mature Companion's Avatar
That's a wonderful idea and a warm & thoughtful gesture on your part.
Your going to make some children very happy, this holiday season.

Happy Holidays to all!!
Thanks to all that commented, and those who have contributed so far.....

Lady 1

My 13 year old Boy wants a Wal-mart gift card, any amount is fine.

My 11 year old Boy wants the same.

My 6 year old Boy wants play tools, ie hammer ratchet etc, just a small play set.

Lady 2

10 year old girl- Book Breaking Dawn and anything to do with the Twlight Series, shoe store gift card

8 year old boy- DSI games for boys and anything to do with the Army, camo or survival gear, shoe store gift card.

Thanks to Nicole Preston and Elizabeth Whispers for donations.

Please let me know if you would like to donate or you need a littl assistance with your XMas. Please do not be shy, the crime would be a child without this XMAS....

Forgot to say we covered one child's XMAS already!!! Thanks to those who donated for him....

The ones above are still active needs!
Update -

Lady 3

4 Boys - 6, 11,13,15

Bionicals (Lego), MP3 Players (Saw them for like $20-30 - going to Fry's later this AM), remote control cars....
Would like to say Thank You to all that gave to the Angel Tree myself and my child are very thankful and grateful for you all and what you are doing. It says alot to help people you know but even more to do so for those you do not.. Words can't explain how much more joyful you all have made this Christmas for us... Thank u Thank u Thank u

With Love and lots of xoxox's Pleasure09 and Family
So glad that we (Santa and his Naughty Ho Ho Ho Elves - Naughty Velvet / Texas Starr, XXXJade and Casey Carlin) were able ot pull this together in a short time and with such great response to the requests. All wishes were fulfilled, gifts were given and a few got help with Food or other needs for XMas.

We are proud and humbled to be part of this community and to see the giving spirit come out in all....

Still collecting donations, so if you want to make a late donation, please contact me. Any excess will go to Women's Shelter to help the ones there.

Hobby Well, and Thanks for making this a rousing success....

PPE / Dirty Santa

Sit on my lap, I got a present for you!

Santa is offering Half off my regular rate for DATY / DATO session, call me for details!
The season of giving abounds. Congratulations to you guys for pulling it off! Merry Christmas.
aussie317's Avatar
Good job guys and gals.
PurplRose's Avatar
What a wonderful thing to do. My kids will not receive gifts from me at this time. I've told them Christmas will come when mommy has a job again. All I want from them is their love, and that's what they will get from me.

I'm not going to ask for anything. I'm not one to ask for handouts from anyone. Not even family if I can avoid it. Not that I think it's bad that others do, please don't think I'm saying that, I just can't do it.

I merely wanted to post and say how simply wonderful it is to see some of our Hobbyists wanting to give to those in need. It's very refreshing and heart-warming to see you guys helping others.

Happy Holidays to ALL!!!