The Three Bulls

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Three bulls with a herd of about 60 cattle. The first older bull was servicing 40 of the girls, the middle bull about 15 and the young bull was in charge of servicing 5.

Now one day the rancher delivers a new bull to the adjoining corral and he is enormous! In fact he tears up the corral and runs into the herd and starts having his way with cow after cow. The three bulls see this enormous bull. The older bull says well 40 were a bit much I can do with a lot fewer. The middle bull says yep he can have all but my favorite one. The youngest bull starts snorting and scraping the ground while loudly snorting, causing a big ruckus. The other two look at him with amazement and ask surely you don't think 5 cows are worth your life!! No said the youngest bull I want the be damn sure he knows that I am a Bull.