Kyle Rittenhouse’s Victory Is A Victory For Us All

  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2021, 08:19 AM

Source: Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News via AP, Pool


Over the past two weeks, I found myself overly invested - perhaps even a bit obsessed - with the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Like all or most of you, I watched in horror as a corrupt prosecution team actively tried to put a teenager in prison for life for the ‘crime’ of defending himself against lunatics who were actively trying to kill him during a violent riot that should never have happened in the first place. Though they had zero actual facts on their side - a fact that became increasingly obvious as the trial progressed - these denizens of hell still pressed on, tossing theory after theory against the wall and hoping one would stick and manipulate, er, ‘convince’ the jury to falsely imprison a clearly innocent person.
I was so invested, in fact, that at times it almost felt like I was the one on trial. At those points I felt guilty though, because I would imagine what it must be like to have your actual life on the line, your fate to be decided by a jury who also had an ear toward that mob outside who, like the real mob, likely had every intention of harming them and their families if the ‘wrong’ decision was made. What must it be like to face the prospect of life in prison not because of anything you actually did wrong, but because crazed leftists bullied your peers into finding you ‘guilty’ to save themselves? It had to have been pure hell.

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No, I wasn’t personally facing anything close to the horror that Kyle Rittenhouse faced, at least not yet. However, the reason I and probably others felt that way was because a key aspect of our worldview - the notion that human beings have the right to defend their property and themselves against violent aggressors - certainly was also on trial. And the left knew it. Last week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson horrifying described the “whole point” of that bogus prosecution:
"So no one with a concealed carry permit is allowed to defend himself? What’s the point of having a gun if you can't save your own life with it? Well, that’s exactly what they’re telling you. They’re telling you you don't have that right. You have no right to resist. That’s the whole point of this whole proceeding. So the next time BLM sweeps into your town, your neighborhood, your house to burn and loot and brandish weapons, you had better not try to protect yourself or your family. Try to protect yourself or your family and we will charge you with murder, and while we’re at it we’ll have the national media call you racist."

Tucker is spot-on, of course. For me, watching this whole trial play out has led to a lot of self-reflection. We can argue about his age, the weapon he brought, and whether or not he should have been there in the first place. But if BLM and Antifa thugs came to my town to loot and burn instead of protesting peacefully, I would hope I would have the courage to get out there and defend my community like then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse did. I would imagine most readers of this column would agree. But the left not only wants us to stay home and let these jackals burn our cities and towns, they want to punish us if we resist.
And make no mistake, that’s exactly why what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse happened in the first place. No prosecutor with any sense of real justice would have ever put a defendant through a trial - and the very real prospect of losing their liberty - based on the facts in that case. But they did, and judging by some reports on the nature of actual discussions going on in that jury room, they came uncomfortably close to winning or at least getting another shot at the apple with a mistrial.
During the days the jury was deciding Kyle Rittenhouse’s fate, I found myself checking my phone every hour or two. The longer it took, the more nervous I became. Yes, mostly nervous for that poor kid who was at risk of losing his life for nothing, but also nervous for the precedent this would set for future heroes forced by the insane left to defend their lives with lethal force. Are we seriously going to live in a society where we have to weigh defending our own life and those of our families with the prospect of going to prison? And even beyond that, when we start imprisoning people who use guns in self-defense, the next step is banning those guns entirely. After all, what would be the point?

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Red-Pilling of America Kurt Schlichter

We all know how this particular story ended. Thankfully, evil didn’t win. Not this time. This time, sanity won. This time, if only for a few hours or days, the balance of universal justice, of common sense, of nature’s law, prevailed. Yes, Kyle Rittenhouse gets to live his life, hopefully as a rich man at the helm of MSNBC (you know, after he ‘owns’ them in a massive lawsuit). It was his victory first, and a well deserved one at that. But it was also a victory for all of us who care about preserving the God-given right to defend ourselves against violent aggressors who would do us harm.

Comment - Agreed and Amen!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It comes down to this one you believe that we have a right to defend our lives and property? If that's a yes, then we can talk about how far can you go. If a no...let me have your address.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please keep sending teenagers to mob scenes toting semiautomatic weapons.

That’s your vision of American freedom apparently.

That’s the one thing this comes down to.
ICU 812's Avatar
I A week later, I am still reading or seeing reports that Rittenhouse killed two black men.

That he crossed state lines with an illegal gun.

And other allegations we all heard expressed as fact before the trial.