Pull Out of Iraq & Afghanistan; Invade Mexico!

Gryphon's Avatar
This is inspired by Cheaper's thread about the Arizona immigration law. Yes, U.S. Federal immigration policy is a shambles. Yes, we need better enforcement and a bigger gate to let people who just want to work to get in legally. But they will keep coming faster than our society and economy can accommodate them for one reason: Mexico is a failed state. The Mexican government has squandered immense natural wealth, corruption pervades government, business, and law enforcement, and there is an ongoing drug war that has paralyzed the northern half of the country. These factors are driving a wave of refugees across our border--except we call them "undocumented workers" or "illegal immigrants" depending on our political leanings. When a state experiences significant economic and/or societal disruption due to the breakdown of government in a neighboring state, military action is justified.


Complete the withdrawl from Iraq and leave Afghanistan to the French. Bring our counter-insurgency-trained troops, Predator drones, Apache helicopters, etc. home and annex Mexico. Stop the chaos, clean up the police, wipe out the drug lords with missile strikes a la the Taliban commanders, and make Mexico a place people want to live. Then our immigration problem goes away--permanently. And so does a large part of our drug problem. And consequently our prison overcrowding problem.*

*Don't make the mistake of assuming this is my real-world position. I'm just building a castle in the Sandbox; feel free to add on, knock it down, or whatever. But wouldn't it be great if it were that easy?
dirty dog's Avatar
Well I am all for assigning a sniper squad to shoot them as they cross, but some think that would be too extreme.
DallasRain's Avatar
so if you live in arizona you can be stopped and given a "DWM" citation???{driving while mexican}...how stupid can we get????
{\sorry i know that is wrong...llol}
swarmyone's Avatar
so if you live in arizona you can be stopped and given a "DWM" citation???{driving while mexican}...how stupid can we get????
{\sorry i know that is wrong...llol} Originally Posted by DallasRain

Apparently....very stupid. Before you pick up your protest sign, why don't you read the law? There is no "driving while mexican" statute.
dirty dog's Avatar
Swarmy, reading is tough for some, you know most of these intellegent protestors get their info from MSNBC or through their Accorn protest assignment papers.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
sniper black ops on the boarder dirty I like it alot.
the thing is not all the time but some of the time you have cops who are cops for the power & some well they wifes beat them or hell I might have took their lunch in high school or college. So you can't make laws where they can miss understand it.
There was a directive in Atl. about in the 90's that said police should observe black males who drive 5 people to a car. Well you know where that went.
There is laws about sodomy on the books in some towns still I thought crew would want to know that lol.
Dirty there are towns in the south were blacks & whites can't marry have they been taken off the books no have they been enforced in a long time no but they are there. So I say all on this to say you have to watch the laws & the thin mess it carries.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
oh and war with Mexico! didn't we do that already but nobody wanted tacos or those bitchee dogs so we didn't get anything out of it
dirty dog's Avatar
Well they can't shoot them, they cant arrest them and they cant question them, so I guess we do nothing, it seems to be working well now.

The success in the AZ law, is that it has forced this issue out in the open and now maybe the government can address this issue instead of both sides being afraid to alienate the hispanic vote.

I think that the government need to deploy the army along the border, utilize the preditors and do some house cleaning along the border. They should also look at streamlining or fast tracking the immigration process with those who have American born children being given priority.

One other choice you might like would be to installed explosive chips in the bodies of illegal immigrants who have been caught crossing the border, these chips will explode if the cross the border illegally again. If they do so legally the chips can be removed by ICE when the visa's have been approved.LOL of course this last part was sarcasim.
dirty dog's Avatar
"oh and war with Mexico! didn't we do that already but nobody wanted tacos or those bitchee dogs so we didn't get anything out of it"

What do you mean, we got the entire southwest part of the country, the west coast all the way to oregon. I would say we won a lot, well of course they could have California back if they promise to leave me Halli Berry.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
true so true they can also have cali's gov i hate to hear him talk
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
aim for the foot or hand.
Longermonger's Avatar
Why annex parts of Mexico when there are juicy little islands in the Caribbean to plunder? Yarrr! A smart pirate would target the banks, billions, babes, and beaches first.

After that...then we can talk about some prime west coast real estate. Baja California, anyone? Why is that not our western Florida already?
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 05-04-2010, 03:46 PM
Take over Bermuda first. Thats where many large corporations are based in order to avoid paying US Corp taxes.
ladylover4ever's Avatar
I heard of this simple solution and it's starting to make sense. Place all of our Federal Prisons along the Mexican/US Boarder, and then tell the Mexican Government we are only going to guard one side!