Which posters believed Trump was cheated by the voting tabulation machines?

WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-22-2022, 11:01 AM
Don't make me have to look it up Barelycorn...


Fox News star Sean Hannity – one of former President Donald Trump's strongest allies on the air and one of his closest advisers off it – admitted under oath that he never believed the lie that Trump was cheated of victory in the 2020 presidential election by a voting tech company.
I don’t think the machines did anything wrong.

They tabulated exactly what was fed into them, including thousands of phony harvested and mail in ballots for the Democrats.
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't think we will ever get to the solid gospel truth on the 2020 election, or what came next in 2021 in connection. There is a lot of doubt out there though.

As a kid in the 7th grade back in the 1960s, I lived through the Kennedy assignation and it's aftermath. When the Warren Commission's Report on the whole thing finally came out, I did not believe that it was not the whole truth and realized in my heart that we never, could never, know all of it . . .and I was 13 at the time.

I feel the same way about the 2020 election. So many questions and so much mistrust of the investigations and witnesses on both sides. Whatever the case in reality, I do not believe that political scientists and historians 50-100 years from now will view the 2020 election as fair.

In the same vein, how truth is obscured, and not to change the topic; I do not believe that these same future historians and political scientist will consider the process or findings of the Jan 6th Committee to be valid.

Only our grandchildren may get to read those distance filtered re-evaluations.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don’t think the machines did anything wrong.

They tabulated exactly what was fed into them, including thousands of phony harvested and mail in ballots for the Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Got any proof to support that statement? Didn't think so.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-23-2022, 07:55 AM
I don’t think the machines did anything wrong.

They tabulated exactly what was fed into them, including thousands of phony harvested and mail in ballots for the Democrats. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Democrats control the voting machine but decided to have a split Senate instead of a 60 pluses super majority!!!

Do you understand what a Trump parrot you sound like?
That's okay.
Even if he doesn't, we do.

Democrats control the voting machine but decided to have a split Senate instead of a 60 pluses super majority!!!

Do you understand what a Trump parrot you sound like? Originally Posted by WTF
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Some people can't wrap their head around the fact that Trump lost to a dude like Biden. Trump gave them a ridiculous reason why he lost, and they just continue to validate why he owns his sheep. I think they really just don't understand how much the majority of this country did not want Donald Chump to be the face of this great nation, so it is just easier to support Chump's lie and believe the fat orange man should still be president.
ICU 812's Avatar
Sure enough, Trump creted the conditions and provided the reasons for a loss to Biden. An argument can be made that the election Was his to win or lose b. . . .and he threw it away.

And yet, I still have a deeply held belief that our overall way of campaigning sand voting is not "right" in fundamental ways that the writers of the Constitution could not see coming based on society as they knew it 240 years ago.

Gerrymandering is out of hand in states of every political leaning or one thing.

States do not regularly purge the voter rolls of the deceased or of those who have e moved.

Any sort of process for positive identification for voters is lacking in many states.

The spreading practices of extended early voting and excessive voting by mail do not promote a secure election in my view.

The methods of tabulating and reporting election results are broken in many places. The Iowa primary caucuses in 2020 were one example. Houston's Harris County midterm election in 2022 was badly botched too. In both cases, the final tabulation was not and can never be fully reported.

There should be more provisions for mandatory recounts in clos elections.

There are many other faults in the way we currently vote in America. We should be a shining example to the world of of secure, fair and trusted elections look like.

We should never have had the circus that was Bush vs Gore. Nor should we have the widespread distrust of the results in 2016, 2020 or 2022.

No candidate, their political prey or their supporters should ever feel they have to say, "We was robbed!"
Ruby Freeman.