Another Question About Rates???

Guest113018-1's Avatar
This is mainly for the ladies. I don't do outcalls so this is curiosity based only, but I was wandering about the difference between incall and outcall rates. I am sure there are some variables that I am unaware of, and providers who provide from their residence are excluded from the question. If you pay $60 to &80 a day for a room to provide from, that seem to be more costly than the $20 on gas it would take to get to most outcalls. Like I said, just curious.
Travel time would be one factor
Grace Preston's Avatar
Travel time can be a big one, especially in DFW. If it takes 30 minutes each way.. that technically turns a 1 hour appointment into a 2 hour appointment. Seems to me, the average gent would rather pay an extra 40-50 than pay me for my travel time.
Say What's Avatar
Interesting that Pythagoras himself couldn't possibly answer.

If I were a provider that offered incalls, my rate calculation would have to take certain things under consideration: how much is the room, how many appointments do I plan to have, what do I need to "clear" in order to feel like sucking a fat guy's dick was worth it?

If I were a provider that offered outcalls, I would need to consider several things as well: how far is this guy from me, how long will it take me to get there and back, do I have other appointments, how much time will I need between them to make sure that I have a chance to shower and freshen up for my next fella, how much do I need to "clear" in order to feel like fucking a fat bastard was worth it?

I shared a hobby pad with another hobbyist for a while. We pre-paid the rent, furnished the place, paid bills, etc. By the way...washing towels and linens in an incall is no fucking small task! Ladies...those of you that always have clean sheets and fresh towels for us are AMAZING! You simply do not get the credit you deserve for that.

I definitely preferred to have the lady come to me. Her outcall rate was beside the point. I wanted to have the session in my own place, with my clean sheets, plenty of OTC time to shower and freshen up, enjoy a Kettle One and Sprite (with fresh lime and cubed ice), my music, my ambiance of choice. She would have to keep track of her time. I didn't have to leave, she did. It was just more comfortable for ME.

I'm sure ladies have some of the same preferences/reasons for having their own incall locations. Some may just HATE washing your nasty bodily fluids out of their towels, wash clothes, sheets, pillow cases, and comforters. Did I mention what a pain in the ass that really is?

Just pay her rates. Even if Pythagoras was alive, he couldn't possibly understand why they are what they are.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Interesting that Pythagoras himself couldn't possibly answer.

Just pay her rates. Even if Pythagoras was alive, he couldn't possibly understand why they are what they are. Originally Posted by Say What
He should have consulted Pyshagoras.

A is her normal rate, added with B her estimated expenditures, rooted by your shadiness. Comes to her outcall rate.
Say What's Avatar
He should have consulted Pyshagoras.

A is her normal rate, added with B her estimated expenditures, rooted by your shadiness. Comes to her outcall rate. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
For myself, I charge a bit more for outcalls because there is travel/driving time involved, gas, and the miles I put on my car that lead up to a $550 service. *sigh*

I love outcalls, though.
pyramider's Avatar
Also, there is the comfort level of the lady. Her incall has all of her security measures, lotions, candles, toys, uniforms/lingerie, etc. Outcalls do not, she would have to pack up and bring a bunch of crap. The incall, be it hotel or whatever, is homefield. Thinck of the incall as her homefield advantage. When doing an outcall, she is the visiting team.
That's what I always thought it was about, that a lady just feels more comfortable in her own space.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-26-2015, 05:21 PM
I think some charge more for outcall only because others are charging more for outcall.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-26-2015, 06:21 PM
pshh... punch in *start and end* into uber - calculate travel costs that way...

Duthgar1976's Avatar
i dont drive due to an extreme phobia, its real look it up. I get a suite for when i see providers and i understand the fear of "is this guy real or LE" because of it, yes i have seen 3 providers no i dont have any reviews. why i dont have any reviews i guess is becasue im lazy.

I never haggle with a provider i pay whatever they are asking for becasue it is not sexy to be like "baby i want to see you but all i got is 200 for that hour instead of 300, lets make a deal."

i know i need to start doing reviews because i would like to see some of these ladies that ask for 2-3 refs.... maybe some year i will.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Here's a question that no one has asked- what if you contact the lady and she agrees to the session, but on that particular day she doesn't have an incall- all the logic about travel time/missed appointments sort of is irrelevant because if she didn't come to my outcall location she would have to spend money on a room.
However, needless to say I do majority outcalls and I obviously expect a lady to charge a little more for her travel time-gas isn't free and obviously an outcall is a big comfort for the hobbyist- so you have to expect a "surcharge".
However, I have seen from time to time a provider post outcalls only and add a fee- which I think they she only charge an outcall fee if an incall is an option.
Say What's Avatar
Here's a question that no one has asked- what if you contact the lady and she agrees to the session, but on that particular day she doesn't have an incall- all the logic about travel time/missed appointments sort of is irrelevant because if she didn't come to my outcall location she would have to spend money on a room. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I have questioned this one before. I called a lady and asked if she had an incall. She said, "no." She also went on to tell me that she could get a room and see me for 250. If I went and got the room, she would come to me for 300.

Like I said, Pythogoras himself couldn't explain this stuff. Anyway, I said, "I'll just come to you, babe." I ended up doing two hours for 400...which is just about what it would have cost me to pay for a room and an hour of her time.
scottstevens's Avatar
Back when I used to stick to BP before it became a mess, I'd see some providers ads that said Outcalls Only. Not sure why they only did that, but they were usually younger and the ads just seemed like they were managed and maybe not sophisticated enough to get a room or would have had issues getting a room.

Only did an outcall once when I was much younger and had a short term apartment. It was convenient and nice to be able to stay there afterwards and not have to walk into or out of a hotel and worry about anyone looking at me funny.

I'm sure some providers do, but as Saywhat mentioned his hobby pad, does it make sense for some providers to get a "hobby fulfillment pad"? I can't imagine it would cost all that much to stock with some basic furniture. Probably cheaper on a monthly basis than 15 days of hotel charges.

Or do the hotels offer prime location, whereas the apartment means you're confined to one spot? Maybe I'm way off on the cost of an apartment too.