Sexy Lexie and roxy blows NC/NS

So I tried to set up a doubles appointment for outcall but we decided I would go visit them. This was around 930pm. Told her it was a 30 minute drive and I still had to shower and get atm. Lexie said it was fine but at the very latest would be 11pm.

Not being from Houston, I could not for the life of me find an ATM until I said screw it, I'm gonna find one in the lobby. Throughout all of this I am texting her updates and she says "if you can't make it by 11pm I have an outcall at 12am that I have to make but you can see Roxy."

So luckily I drove for 30 minutes, parked across the hotel rush to the ATM and message her that I'm there, is everything still on if I pull the funds. She responds with the room # and floor. I swipe the card and the limit at the ATM isn't enough to cover funds, so i txt this to her and she responds with "you can see me [lexie] or roxy" I figure i'll try to pull the max again and I should have enough. It works and literally seconds (not even a minute max) i message her that it worked and i'm on my way up.

Get to room and knock. Nothing. Knock louder and txt "knocking". Nothing. Throughout all of this i hear zippers and footsteps. So i knock again. Finally maybe after 2-3 minutes I get a txt saying "sorry I left. once you said you only had $xxx.xx I left to my outcall" Which doesn't make sense because she just mentioned with that amount I could see either lexi or roxy.

I usually wouldn't care but I drove 30 minutes and it was a huge waste of time.

So far Houston has not impressed me compared to San Antonio's scene.
Those are Dallas girls...this aint on Houston
  • iquit
  • 06-19-2015, 02:01 AM
You brought back a memory I have of this stable. Atleast u didn't stand in the doorway for 5+ minutes, then get told to come back since they didn't here u knock, then stand again in the doorway like a fool, and then 20 minutes later, told to come back again. Needless to say, they crowned themselves as my worst ever ncns. I can write a whole review about how I was twiddled with. Never ever will I even attempt to contact them again.

Nice review. I hope my experience is not the norm but...Her and her counterparts have perfected the art of ncns, I have never been twiddled with like I was on that fateful day. All I can say is there is a certain 3 hours I can never get back, and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the next time I was even given a room #, and what do u think happened?

Guess...guess...yep, u r right.

She had to put icing on the previous ncns, this time it included standing in a doorway looking like a fool while maintenance (or some white dude who looked the part) is beginning to give me the eye as I knock and he is opening the next door. Oh never again, but in the hobby, I choke it up to plan B, some other well reviewed lady on here (I only review my no experiences) became the beneficiary of the latter experience. I am too cautious to b left standing in a corridor looking suspicious to try again. Originally Posted by iquit
junglemonkey's Avatar
Guess pimp didn't realize they were still in a session!
Lexieinhouston's Avatar &

I sometimes use Sexy Lexie in my ads, I wish newbies would come up with original handles or at least change the spelling. Once someone joined and made their name LexieofHouston, lol.

AlexisMoore's Avatar
Those are Dallas girls...this aint on Houston Originally Posted by NubianPrince

Lol...stick with us Houston girls and you will be just fine!! We can't vouch for visiting girls!!
tbone77494's Avatar
So, yes it's a shitty no show, but I have found when I rush for funds and race to location, etc, it rarely ends up working out well. And "hurry we have a 12 outcall" would have made me tap out. Sucks coz those two look like fun.
^^^ what he said. If someone is telling you they have another dick lined up, run.
Hmm. First (to address one of the comments by someone else), canceling because a lady tells you she has other work is stupid. Should she be more discreet (lie about it)? Probably. But then there's the guys that complain when we lie. You know what she does, and if she isn't known to be low volume, you know you're not the only one that day.

She was being polite letting you know that you didn't have all night to get your stuff together. YOU requested the appointment... why weren't you prepared? ATM's aren't that hard to find. Use Google maps and it will show you where ATM's for your bank are usually. I know it does with mine. So you have two ladies twiddling their thumbs waiting for you, expecting an agreed-upon amount, and then you have the gall to tell them "Oh, I've left you waiting for all this time, but I don't have your money." You're lucky they didn't tell you to eff off right then. Did the other lady stay and see you? Or did they both leave? Or did you leave without having the courtesy to see the lady that was willing to stay and service your inconsiderate self? You set up a double, and told them you didn't have the money, so the one with other obligations left, so she wouldn't be as inconsiderate as you were and leave the other guy waiting. Sounds like someone was still there waiting for you, no? Are you upset that you didn't get to choose whom to see? Are you really surprised that one of them left as soon as you told them you wouldn't have enough money for her? She's just supposed to hang out IN CASE you find more money? She's supposed to leave someone hanging who probably IS going to pay her for someone who just wasted her time and then told her whoopsy?

Just offering another perspective.
^^ If she is telling you to hurry because she has another one lined up, yes, I can see the session going downhill. Men spend a lot of money to see us and the minute our mind is not in that session, then he is not getting our full potential.

If she is running short on time, to tell him his time will have to be readjusted or to cancel it all together is better than to "not be there".

As for the other issues, poor planning on his part. There are ATMS at every gas station.
If I got pussy lined up, I'm finding an atm. They're on every block! No sympathy for this fucktard.

But then, when I make plans they have a realistic chance of happening.
first off I agree, planning is always preferable. plans a, b and c fell one to blame but bad timing. I was in meeting all day and as soon as I was free I tried looking and came upon lexie's ad. I even offered to pay for her to outcall to me but she made it seem like she'd rather do incall.

second I kept in constant touch with lexie. the incall was downtown houston and it was 10pm at night. my app kept on telling me of ATMS that were inside businesses that were closed. again I'm not familiar with houston at all.

at each step she said as long as I see her by 11pm things would be ok. I was at her door before 11pm. she even gave me the room # as I was in the lobby.

call me fucktard all you want I couldn't care less. I tried to fit in an appointment last minute in an area I'm infamilair with that had nonparking. I'm actually surprised I was able to find parking so quickly close to the hotel.

I think what I failed to make clear is that the communication between lexie and I was continuous throughout every step. I told her atm was a limit, she said ok you can see one of us. seconds later I said oh I'll just process the withdrawal twice. she gave me room #. then that's when I knock and things went dark for 5 minutes until I walked away.

she even said prior that roxy would be available if I was late but even that wasn't offered.

and I really don't think I was imposing on them as she set the latest I could see her.

oh well, white knights rise and drill me a new one. I'm over it and will move on.

tbone77494's Avatar
Hey - I've been there more than once. I regularly have to schedule last minute and we've all had a, b, and c fall through so I feel for you. I actually think you explained it reasonably - saying I'll see you and then not answering a minute later sucks. Part of the hobby I suppose.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 06-19-2015, 03:15 PM
personally I score it as:
1) you sound young - not a cut or attack - but young people tend to move fast, plan poorly and do everything last minute. My son leaves for work 15 minutes before he needs to be there and it takes exactly 15 minutes to get there, so he tends to be late or exactly on time. I plan on arriving 15 to 30 minutes a head of my appointments because I know things happen, so mostly I am early to on time. Just two different philosophies. (my point - you got there just in time, barely got the money, and texted frantically)
2) you didn't read all the reviews and you looked at the pictures - you are not the first one to have issues like this with this provider.
3) you should have had the money in hand before you booked the appointment.
The Girls
1) They are young - again not a cut or an attack - they just tried to do too much in too tight a schedule.
2) sounds like they could have communicated better but we only have one half of the story at this point so that is pure suspension read from your side of the account.
3) they probably should have texted you they left - or maybe they didn't leave yet but were hiding scared because a client they now had to cancel on to make an out call with another presumably preferred client as now banging on their door screaming "I am here" I am here" - I am not sure I would have opened the door if I was there as you seem to imply they were.

at best it sounds like both of you were to blame - at worst maybe it was more you. But in the end, thank you for putting yourself out there and letting us know about a situation - if things like this become a habit for them - it will generally stick to them eventually. It can be hard especially when people aren't agreeing with you and saying poor baby to put yourself out there and for that you do deserve a thank you.
SweetDulce's Avatar
^^ If she is telling you to hurry because she has another one lined up, yes, I can see the session going downhill. Men spend a lot of money to see us and the minute our mind is not in that session, then he is not getting our full potential.

n. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
I agree with Caroline. She was kind enough to let him know he had a set time limit to arrive. And by all the info of his unpreparedness, he might have decided to take a luxurious bubble bath and rub one out so he would last longer.
Really guy?!?!, u call to set up a LAST MINUTE APPT &U DONT HAVE THE Cash and haven't Even showered