Rag Head Primer Needed...

Randy4Candy's Avatar
It appears that American "hero" Wade Michael Page (yeah, yeah, get over it, he's a veteran - sadly this just proves that all of any group ain't perfect nor worthy of the broad-brush approach to "heroism" we tend to hand out like candy at a parade) and most of his skinhead bretheren aren't smart enough to focus their hatred merely on muslims. Yep, the dumbass blew up their temple in Milwaukee, killed six and it turns out that they weren't muslims. Oh well, maybe they should have selected better head gear.

Guess they haven't figured out that Skihs aren't muslims and are primarily Indian and not aaay-RABS. Plus, the religions aren't even similar. But, one thing's fer sure, they weren't white.

Another dumb-fu*k move by a right thinking True Believer. But, all of you hate spewing TPunks and Defenders of The American Way just keep your sh*t up. You can keep on deluding yourselves that there are no consequences as long as you can hide behind keeping America for Americans, whatever that is. Those of us who think instead of parrot know when your lips are puckered up around the dog whistle.

BTW, a similar thing happened here in the DFW are right after 9/11. Seems that there were some Sikhs who owned a convenience store that wre nearly killed by some Good Ol' Boy Avengers until someone told them that the objects of their vengence weren't muslim...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes it is sad that we have so many individuals that are not of sound mind committing horrific crimes against all sorts of people.
The nut job in Arizona,
the nut job in Colorado,
The nut job in Wisconsin
The Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yes it is sad that we have so many individuals that are not of sound mind committing horrific crimes against all sorts of people.
The nut job in Arizona,
the nut job in Colorado,
The nut job in Wisconsin
The Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
3-1, eh? Feel better? Absolved? HA! Never in a million years.

T2Nutlicker, quit making my case. You'll lose your wang nut ticket.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Pardon me for speaking out of turn, but I don't think there is any evidence linking this shooter to the Tea Party, or any faction of the Republican Party. I don't like the Tea Party or Republicans, but I don't think this guy was one of them.

Yes it is sad that we have so many individuals that are not of sound mind committing horrific crimes against all sorts of people.
The nut job in Arizona,
the nut job in Colorado,
The nut job in Wisconsin
The Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

These people will take our guns away faster than either party...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is it that when there is a horrific crime involving guns, that they want to take away the guns from people who haven't committed any crime?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is really an indictment of our education system that our children have never learned about various religions. So I guess that means that liberalism is sucking.

By the way, your initial rant is offensive and rascist.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Typically R4C misses the point.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
This is really an indictment of our education system that our children have never learned about various religions. So I guess that means that liberalism is sucking. Actually, it's about the failure of our Christian churches. They pour their milk of human kindness, so to speak, over all non-Christian beliefs equally.

By the way, your initial rant is offensive and rascist. I'm just heartbroken that you're offended. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ah, so you have a tin ear for satire. Who's a-thunk that?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Typically R4C misses the point. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Thank's for clueing us in that you had a point. You guys really are inept when not operating from the Faux Noise script.
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;3022524]This is really an indictment of our education system that our children have never learned about various religions. So I guess that means that liberalism is sucking.

By the way, your initial rant is offensive and rascist.[/QU

Thought it is deeper than that.Starts at home,schools don't have a place in religion.Separation of church and state.Movies ,cartoons and video games will burr a child's perception on what is real and fiction.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Learning about different religions is important, Ekim. He wasn't talking about proselytizing. He was talking about education.
Schools are to learn academics, not about religion or morals. That's the parents job, however in America, parents have decided that parenting is too much work and expect the teachers to do their job, and when the kids turn out to be dumb, ignorant, and stupid, they blame the schools and the teachers.

COG - Sorry to tell you but the Tea Party and the Republican Party do welcome right wing christian extremists. Have you seen the bumper stickers they display on their cars?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, it's for certain that bomber-boy comes from a long line of intellectually stimulated and voraciously curious, inquisitive thinkers. Yeah he does.....probably more like "don't confuse me with the facts."